首页> 外文期刊>Acta Agriculturae Slovenica >A contribution to the debate on the use of the terms 'tla' and 'prst' in Slovenian colloquial and professional terminology. [Slovenian]Original Title Tla ali prst ? Prispevek k razpravam o rabi izrazov 'tla' in 'prst' v slovenskem poljudnem in strokovnem izrazoslovju.

A contribution to the debate on the use of the terms 'tla' and 'prst' in Slovenian colloquial and professional terminology. [Slovenian]Original Title Tla ali prst ? Prispevek k razpravam o rabi izrazov 'tla' in 'prst' v slovenskem poljudnem in strokovnem izrazoslovju.

机译:为斯洛文尼亚口语和专业术语中“土壤”和“手指”一词的使用辩论提供了帮助。 [斯洛文尼亚语]原标题Tla ali prst?为讨论斯洛文尼亚流行和专业术语中“土壤”和“土壤”一词的使用做出了贡献。

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Correct and rich professional and scientific terminology is an important contribution to the development and richness of the national languages. Within the scientific and professional terminology we can often find incorrect, missed or misinterpreted use of professional terms. In general, such 'diversity' of terms does not contribute to the quality and the development of the professional terminology. On the contrary, it demonstrates the lack of precision in scientific terminology, presence of definitions without scientific background and/or overlooked original etymology of individual terms. We are witnessing the attempts of replacement of terms and changes in professional terminology without scientifically sound arguments. Moreover, even at the university level the inappropriate use of technical/professional terms can be detected. An example of such embarrassments in Slovenian language is the use of the words' tla' and 'prst' in professional language. Terminological dispute can be considered as peripheral theme, even unnecessary, however it has a much broader and more important dimension. Namely, confusion in the technical language is also appearing in translations of the European legislation. The Slovenian versions of some EU legal documents are semantically ambiguous and inadequate and, thus do not reflect the correct meaning of source texts due to missed translations. The latter can evolve in a problem and has to be adjusted. The paper presents the soil science terminological inconsistencies, explains and arguments the reasons for use of selected basic soil science terms in Slovenian language. Additionally, it recalls the etymology of the popular terms 'prst' and 'zemlja', compares the situation in number of European languages and, most importantly, suggests the appropriate use of terms in professional/scientific language, in education and for translation purposes.
机译:正确而丰富的专业和科学术语是对国家语言发展和丰富性的重要贡献。在科学和专业术语中,我们经常会发现对专业术语的使用有误,遗漏或误解。通常,这种术语的“多样性”对专业术语的质量和发展没有帮助。相反,它表明科学术语缺乏精确性,存在没有科学背景的定义和/或忽略了单个术语的原始词源。我们目睹了在没有科学依据的情况下替换术语和更改专业术语的尝试。此外,即使在大学级别,也可以检测到对技术/专业术语的不当使用。斯洛文尼亚语中此类尴尬的例子是在专业语言中使用“ tla”和“ prst”一词。术语争端可以被视为外围主题,甚至是不必要的,但是它具有更广泛,更重要的方面。即,欧洲法规的翻译中也出现了技术语言上的混乱。某些欧盟法律文件的斯洛文尼亚版本在语义上模棱两可且不够充分,因此由于缺少翻译而无法反映出源文本的正确含义。后者可能会出现问题,必须加以调整。本文介绍了土壤科学术语上的不一致之处,解释和争论了使用斯洛文尼亚语选择某些基本土壤科学术语的原因。此外,它还回顾了流行术语“ prst”和“ zemlja”的词源,比较了多种欧洲语言的情况,最重要的是,建议在专业/科学语言,教育和翻译目的中适当使用这些术语。



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