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Use of a pictographic diagram to decrease parent dosing errors with infant acetaminophen: a health literacy perspective.


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OBJECTIVE: Medication dosing errors by parents are frequent. We sought to whether a pictographic dosing diagram could improve parent ability to dose infant acetaminophen, and to determine whether pictogram benefit varies by health literacy level. METHODS: We conducted an experimental study of parents presenting with their children to an urban public hospital pediatric clinic. Caregivers were randomized to dose infant acetaminophen with a standard dropper using text-only or text-plus-pictogram instructions (pictographic diagram of dose). The primary outcome variable was dosing accuracy (error defined as >20% deviation above/below dose; large overdosing error defined as >1.5 times recommended dose). Caregiver health literacy was assessed by means of the Newest Vital Sign measure. RESULTS: A total of 299 parents were assessed (144 text-only instructions; 155 text plus pictogram); 77.9% had limited health literacy (Newest Vital Sign score 0-3). Text-plus-pictogram recipients were less likely to make an error compared to text-only recipients (43.9% vs 59.0%, P = .01; absolute risk reduction, 15.2% [95% confidence interval, 3.8-26.0]; number needed to treat, 7 [4-26]). Of text-plus-pictogram recipients, 0.6% made a large overdosing error compared to 5.6% of text-only recipients (absolute risk reduction, 4.9% [0.9-10.0]; number needed to treat, 20 [10-108]). Pictogram benefit varied by health literacy, with a statistically significant difference in dosing error evident in the text-plus-pictogram group compared to the text-only group among parents with low health literacy (50.4% vs 66.4%; P = .02), but not for parents with adequate health literacy (P = .7). CONCLUSIONS: Inclusion of pictographic dosing diagrams as part of written medication instructions for infant acetaminophen may help parents provide doses of medication more accurately, especially those with low health literacy. High error rates, even among parents with adequate health literacy, suggest that additional study of strategies to optimize dosing is needed.
机译:目的:父母的用药剂量错误经常发生。我们试图确定象形图的剂量图是否可以提高父母对婴儿对乙酰氨基酚的剂量,并确定象形图的益处是否随健康素养水平而变化。方法:我们进行了一项父母带孩子到城市公立医院儿科诊所的实验研究。使用纯文本或文本加象形图的用法说明(剂量的象形图),将看护者随机分配给带有标准滴管的婴儿对乙酰氨基酚。主要结果变量是剂量准确性(误差定义为高于/低于剂量> 20%偏差;较大的过量剂量定义为> 1.5倍推荐剂量)。照护者的健康素养通过最新生命体征指标进行评估。结果:总共对299名父母进行了评估(144条纯文字说明; 155条文字加象形文字); 77.9%的人的健康素养有限(最新生命体征评分为0-3)。与纯文字收件人相比,纯文字象形文字收件人发生错误的可能性较小(43.9%对59.0%,P = 0.01;绝对风险降低了15.2%[95%置信区间,3.8-26.0];所需数字治疗,[7 [4-26])。在文本加象形图的接收者中,有0.6%出现了严重的用药过量错误,而纯文本的接收者为5.6%(绝对风险降低了4.9%[0.9-10.0];需要治疗的人数为20 [10-108])。象形图的受益因健康素养的不同而有所不同,在健康素养低的父母中,文字加象形图组与纯文字组相比,剂量错误具有统计学上的显着差异(50.4%对66.4%; P = .02),但不适用于具有足够健康素养的父母(P = .7)。结论:将象形剂量图作为婴儿对乙酰氨基酚的书面用药说明的一部分,可以帮助父母更准确地提供药物剂量,尤其是那些健康素养较低的患者。即使在具有足够健康素养的父母中,错误率也很高,这表明需要对优化剂量策略的其他研究。



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