
Building 3D facial feature models by stereo and estimating its pose


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We propose a framework for facial image processing performed in 3D space. We do intensity restriction in order to make the edge detection of the facial feature easier. Consisting of a sparse depth map is constructed from stereo images using segment-based stereo algorithm. Within the 3D model, data vertex and data arc are defined as two types of geometrical features. By searching for arcs of a specific curvature range from the model, we can locate the candidates of the irises, eyelids and the mouth. After that, the positions of the two eyes and the mouth are determined by checking their geometrical relations. Furthermore, The pose of a face is determined according to the positions of the two eyes and the center of the mouth.
机译:我们提出了一种在3D空间中执行的面部图像处理框架。 我们做强度限制,以便更容易地使面部特征的边缘检测。 由稀疏深度图组成,使用基于段的立体声算法由立体图像构成。 在3D模型中,数据顶点和数据弧被定义为两种类型的几何特征。 通过从模型中搜索特定曲率范围的弧,我们可以找到鸢尾花,眼睑和嘴的候选者。 之后,通过检查其几何关系来确定两个眼睛和嘴的位置。 此外,根据两个眼睛和嘴的中心的位置确定面的姿势。



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