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Certification of the mass fractions of Pt, Pd and Rh in a used car catalyst reference material


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The high economic value of catalysts containing the platinum group elements platinum, rhodium and palladium as active components causes the need to be able to measure the precious metal loading with small uncertainty and to have suitable certified reference materials fulfilling high demands on the quality of the certified values. In European Reference Material ERMA (R)-EB504, a used cordierite-based car catalyst material, mass fractions of platinum, palladium and rhodium were certified. The raw material was milled, homogenised and annealed before analysis. Seventeen laboratories experienced in precious metals analysis participated in the certification interlaboratory comparison, most of them analysing with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry using different sample pretreatment techniques. Homogeneity testing was carried out using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The certified mass fractions of Pt, Pd and Rh and their expanded uncertainties (k = 2) in ERMA (R)-EB504 are (1777 +/- A 15), (279 +/- A 6) and (338 +/- A 4) mg/kg respectively.
机译:含有铂族元素铂,铑和钯作为活性成分的催化剂具有很高的经济价值,因此需要能够以很小的不确定性测量贵金属的负载,并需要具有满足认证质量要求的合适认证标准物质价值观。在欧洲参考材料ERMA(R)-EB504中,使用了一种基于堇青石的汽车催化剂材料,其中铂,钯和铑的质量分数得到认证。在分析之前,将原料研磨,均质和退火。在贵金属分析方面有17个经验丰富的实验室参加了实验室之间的认证比较,其中大多数实验室使用不同的样品预处理技术通过电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法进行分析。使用X射线荧光光谱法进行均质性测试。 ERMA(R)-EB504中Pt,Pd和Rh的认证质量分数及其扩展的不确定度(k = 2)为(1777 +/- A 15),(279 +/- A 6)和(338 +/-) A 4)毫克/千克。



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