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Rectal temperature, distal sweat rate, and forearm blood flow following mild exercise at two phases of the circadian cycle


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Changes in rectal temperature during mild exercise in the middle of the rising (11:00 h) and falling (23:00 h) phases of the circadian rhythm of resting core temperature have been compared. Seven healthy males were studied at rest, while exercising on a cycle ergometer (60 min at 80 W), and during the first 30 min of recovery. Rectal temperature, forearm blood flow, and forearm sweat rate were measured at I min intervals throughout. During exercise, there were significant time-of-day differences in the profiles of all three variables, and in the thresholds for increases in forearm blood flow and sweating. Forearm blood flow and sweat rate were recruited more rapidly and to a greater extent with evening exercise, and rectal temperature rose less. Analysis of covariance, with rectal temperature as the covariate, indicated the associations between it and forearm blood flow or sweating were significantly different (p < 0.05) between the two times of day. There were also significant (p < 0.05) time-of-day effects for forearm blood flow and sweating that were independent of rectal temperature. During recovery, rectal temperature fell more quickly in the late evening than late morning. Forearm blood flow and sweating also showed time-of-day differences, but these did not co-vary with rectal temperature. Control of rectal temperature during exercise and recovery appears to be more effective in the late evening than late morning, and differences in forearm blood flow and sweating, as well as factors independent of these two variables, contribute to this difference. The results support our "heat-gain/heat-lossmodes" hypothesis.
机译:比较了在静息核心温度的昼夜节律的上升阶段(11:00h)和下降阶段(23:00h)中间进行适度运动时直肠温度的变化。研究了七名健康男性在休息时,在自行车测功机上进行锻炼(在80 W下运动60分钟)以及恢复的前30分钟。整个过程中,每隔1分钟测量一次直肠温度,前臂血流量和前臂出汗率。在运动过程中,所有三个变量的曲线以及前臂血流量和出汗量增加的阈值在一天中都有明显的差异。晚上运动时,前臂的血流和汗水吸收速度更快,且吸收程度更高,而直肠温度的上升幅度较小。以直肠温度为协变量的协方差分析表明,它与前两天之间前臂血流量或出汗的相关性显着不同(p <0.05)。对前臂血流量和出汗的每日时间影响也有显着(p <0.05),与直肠温度无关。在恢复期间,直肠温度在深夜比深夜下降得更快。前臂的血流量和出汗量也显示出一天中的时间差异,但这些差异并不随直肠温度而变化。在运动和恢复过程中,控制直肠温度在傍晚要比早晨更有效,并且前臂血流和出汗的差异以及与这两个变量无关的因素也是造成这种差异的原因。结果支持我们的“热增益/热损耗模式”​​假设。



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