首页> 外文期刊>Copeia >Lack of cytonuclear genetic introgression despite long-term hybridization and backcrossing between two poeciliid fishes (Gambusia heterochir and G. affinis)

Lack of cytonuclear genetic introgression despite long-term hybridization and backcrossing between two poeciliid fishes (Gambusia heterochir and G. affinis)

机译:尽管长期杂交并且在两条拟幼鱼(Gambusia heterochir和G. affinis)之间进行回交,但仍缺乏细胞核基因的基因渗入

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We used the mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene and four microsatettite-DNA loci to assess levels of genetic introgression between two hybridizing poeciliid fishes in Texas, a locally endemic, endangered species, Gambusia heterochir, and a wide-ranging congener, G. affinis. Past morphological studies indicated a long history of hybridization and backcrossing. We detected ongoing, low-level hybridization, but no evidence of a long-term, evolutionary history of genetic introgression. Only one of 118 G. heterochir (0.9%) might have had an ancestor in G. affinis, but this was weakly supported. We detected one potential F, hybrid, but it was more likely a recent product of backcrossing between a hybrid and G. affinis. Two other fish were more distant products of such backcrossing. At present, there appears to be little cause for concern regarding the genetic integrity of G. heterochir. ne widespread species, G. affinis, showed significant genetic structure over short geographic distances, including divergence between populations on two sides of a small dam, with through-flowing water.
机译:我们使用线粒体细胞色素b基因和4个微卫星DNA座位评估了德克萨斯州的两种杂种鱼类中的遗传基因渗入水平。该鱼类是当地特有的濒危物种Gambusia heterochir和广泛的同类物种G.affinis。过去的形态学研究表明杂交和回交历史悠久。我们检测到正在进行的低水平杂交,但没有证据表明基因渗入的长期进化史。 118个异花异色chi中只有一个(0.9%)的亲缘种有G. affinis,但这得到了较弱的支持。我们检测到了一个潜在的F杂种,但它更可能是杂种与亲和菌之间回交的最新产物。另外两条鱼是这种回交的更遥远的产物。目前,似乎很少有理由关注异源异双歧杆菌的遗传完整性。广泛的近缘种(G. affinis)在短地理距离内显示出显着的遗传结构,包括小水坝两侧的种群之间存在着流通的水。



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