首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 無線通信システム. Radio Communication Systems >Proposal and Evaluation of a Selection Method of Relay Nodes for Wireless Flooding by Exchanging Neighbor Node Information

Proposal and Evaluation of a Selection Method of Relay Nodes for Wireless Flooding by Exchanging Neighbor Node Information


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Resulting from the wide spread of ad hoc networks, it becomes important to establish the routing mechanism in a dense ad hoc network where there are a number of nodes in the radio propagation area of a specific node. Here, a number of nodes will respond to a control message such as route request from the specific node, and therefore, the number of re-broadcasted messages will increase. In this paper, we propose a method for decreasing this number of re-broadcasted messages in wireless flooding. This method relies on the Hello message exchange with the information of neighbor nodes. Based on this information, it selects relay nodes which resides at the boundary of radio propagation area. This paper also shows the results of evaluation.
机译:由于临时网络的广泛传播而导致,在特定节点的无线电传播区域中存在许多节点的密集ad hoc网络中建立路由机制变得重要。 这里,许多节点将响应来自特定节点的路由请求的控制消息,因此,重新广播消息的数量将增加。 在本文中,我们提出了一种减少无线洪水中的此次重新广播消息数量的方法。 此方法依赖于Hello消息交换与邻居节点的信息。 基于此信息,它选择驻留在无线电传播区域边界的中继节点。 本文还显示了评估结果。



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