首页> 外文期刊>Biodiversity and Conservation >Predicting Acacia invasive success in South Africa on the basis of functional traits, native climatic niche and human use.

Predicting Acacia invasive success in South Africa on the basis of functional traits, native climatic niche and human use.

机译:根据功能特征,自然气候利基和人类使用情况,预测南非的[i> Acacia 入侵成功。

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Australian Acacia species have been widely planted worldwide for different purposes. Some of them have spread and altered the native ecosystem functions to the extent of being considered economic and ecologic threats. Understanding factors that allow these species to become invasive is an important step for mitigating or preventing the damaging effects of invasive species. We aimed to test the importance of native niche climatic width and average, plant functional traits (plant height, leaf area, seed mass and length of flowering season) and anthropogenic factors (number of uses, time since introduction) for predicting invasive success, in terms of abundance and range, of 16 Australian Acacia species in South Africa. By using multiple regression analysis, we constructed one different model for each type of predicting factors. When more than two predicting variables were available in a category, they were reduced to a maximum of two predictors by means of principal component analysis. Acacia spp. abundance and range in South Africa were highly correlated. The anthropogenic model (using number of human uses as predictor) was the best to explain both abundance and range of acacias in South Africa. This may be attributed to the importance of humans as dispersal vectors and to the relatively recent introduction of these species (circa 150 years). The functional traits model was the next best model explaining Acacia range, but not abundance, acacias with higher height and leaf area being more widespread in South Africa. Taller plants may disperse their seeds more efficiently by attracting dispersal agents, such as birds. The climatic affinities model was the following in the ranking explaining both range and abundance, acacias coming from moister, cooler and less seasonal regions in Australia being more successful in South Africa. This pattern may be attributed to the fast growth genotype generally selected for under low climatic stress conditions. Acacias with wide climatic niche in the native region were also more widespread and abundant in South Africa, probably because the same traits that allow them to be widespread in Australia, also contribute to overcome the climatic filters to establish throughout South Africa. This study provides managers with tools to identify those exotic Acacia ssp. having more chances to become successful invaders in South Africa.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10531-011-0101-5
机译:澳大利亚金合欢物种已在世界范围内广泛用于不同目的。其中一些已经扩散并改变了原生生态系统的功能,以至于被视为经济和生态威胁。了解使这些物种成为入侵物种的因素是缓解或防止入侵物种的破坏作用的重要步骤。我们旨在测试本地生态位的气候宽度和平均值,植物功能性状(植物高度,叶面积,种子质量和开花季节的长度)以及人为因素(使用次数,引入后的时间)对于预测入侵成功的重要性。南非的16种澳大利亚 Acacia 物种的丰度和分布范围。通过使用多元回归分析,我们为每种类型的预测因素构建了一个不同的模型。当一个类别中有两个以上的预测变量可用时,通过主成分分析将它们减少到最多两个预测变量。 金合欢 spp。南非的丰度和范围高度相关。人为模型(使用人类的使用数量作为预测因子)是解释南非相思植物丰度和范围的最佳方法。这可能归因于人类作为传播媒介的重要性以及这些物种的相对较近的传入(大约150年)。功能性状模型是解释金合欢范围而不是丰度的次佳模型,具有较高高度和叶面积的金合欢在南非更普遍。较高的植物可以通过吸引散布剂(例如鸟类)来更有效地散布种子。以下是气候亲和力模型,它解释了范围和丰度,来自澳大利亚潮湿,凉爽和季节性较少地区的洋槐在南非更为成功。这种模式可以归因于通常在低气候胁迫条件下选择的快速生长基因型。在本国地区具有广泛气候生态位的阿拉伯树胶在南非也更普遍和丰富,这可能是因为使它们在澳大利亚广泛传播的相同特性也有助于克服在整个南非建立的气候条件。这项研究为管理人员提供了识别那些异国情调的 Acacia ssp的工具。有机会成为在南非成功入侵者的机会。数字对象标识符http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10531-011-0101-5



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