首页> 外文期刊>Biodiversity and Conservation >Rotational fallows as overwintering habitat for grassland arthropods: the case of spiders in fen meadows

Rotational fallows as overwintering habitat for grassland arthropods: the case of spiders in fen meadows


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Regular mowing of grassland is often necessary for plant conservation, but uncut vegetation is needed by many arthropods for overwintering. This may lead to conflicting management strategies for plant and arthropod conservation. Rotational fallows are a possible solution. They provide a spatio-temporal mosaic of mown and unmown areas that may combine benefits to both plants and arthropods. We tested if rotational fallows enhance spider overwintering in fen meadows. Rotational fallows consisted of three adjoining strips 10 m wide and 35-50 m long. Each year, one of these strips was left unmown (fallow) in an alternating manner so that each strip was mown two out of three years. Spiders were sampled during spring with emergence traps in nine pairs of currently unmown fallow strips and completely mown reference plots. Fallows significantly enhanced orb-weavers (Araneidae), sac spiders (Clubionidae) and ground spiders (Gnaphosidae). However, only 4.7% of the total variation in community composition was attributable to fallows. Community variation was larger between landscapes (34.5%) and sites (38.2%). Also o diversity was much higher between landscapes (45 species) and sites (22 species) than between fallows and mown reference plots (10 species). We conclude that the first priority for spider conservation is to preserve as many fen meadows in different landscapes as possible. Locally, rotational fallows enhance overwintering of the above-mentioned spider families, which are sensitive to mowing in other grassland types as well. Thus, rotational fallows would probably foster spider conservation in a wide range of situations. However, stronger effects can be expected from larger and/or older fallow areas.
机译:为了保护植物,经常需要定期修剪草地,但是许多节肢动物需要未割除的植被以进行越冬。这可能导致植物和节肢动物保护的管理策略冲突。旋转休耕是一种可能的解决方案。它们提供了割草区和未割草区的时空镶嵌图,可能对植物和节肢动物都有益。我们测试了轮流休耕是否增强了芬草甸的蜘蛛越冬。旋转休耕地由三个相邻的条带组成,这些条带宽10 m,长35-50 m。每年,这些条带中的一个以交替的方式不被割除(休假),因此每三年要割掉两个条带。在春季,对蜘蛛进行了采样,并在9对目前尚未割下的休耕地带和完全割除的参考样地中使用了出水陷阱。小食显着增强了天球织布工(Araneidae),囊状蜘蛛(Clubionidae)和地面蜘蛛(Gnaphosidae)。但是,社区构成总变化中只有4.7%归因于休耕。景观(34.5%)和遗址(38.2%)之间的群落变异更大。此外,景观(45种)和立地(22种)之间的多样性要比休耕地和割制的参考地块(10种)之间的多样性高得多。我们得出结论,蜘蛛保护的首要任务是在不同的景观中保护尽可能多的芬草地。局部地,旋转的休耕增强了上述蜘蛛科的越冬,这些蜘蛛科对其他草地类型的割草也很敏感。因此,轮转休耕可能会在广泛的情况下促进蜘蛛的养护。但是,可以从更大和/或更旧的休耕地区获得更强的效果。



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