首页> 外文期刊>Biodiversity and Conservation >Economic development of local communities and biodiversity conservation: a case study from Shennongjia National Nature Reserve, China

Economic development of local communities and biodiversity conservation: a case study from Shennongjia National Nature Reserve, China


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Age structure, educational level and economic situation of farmers living in Shennongjia National Nature Reserve, Central China, were analyzed. Results showed that the population will increase steadily in the future and that the educational level is very low on the whole. Among people above the school entrance age (seven years old), only 36% had the opportunity to receive highschool education and those who received college education occupied just about 1%. The income of the local farmers was far below the national average number, which was only 1044.4 RMB (RMB: Chinese Currency, 8.3 RMB= 1 US dollar) per capita in 2001, which is only 44.1% of fanners' or 15.1% of citizens' nationwide. Some measures, such as developing featured economies and popularizing effective energy utilization methods, have been proved as successful ways for income growth and environment protection. To cope with the conflicts between community economy development and biodiversity conservation, effective mechanisms, such as Public Compensation, and Community Co-management should be introduced. Sharing favorable policies and reasonably taking advantage of natural resources, the goal of sustainable development of local community economy can be achieved along with the biodiversity conservation.
机译:分析了居住在中部神农架国家级自然保护区的农民的年龄结构,学历和经济状况。结果表明,未来人口会稳定增长,总体教育水平很低。在入学年龄以上(七岁)的人中,只有36%的人有接受高中教育的机会,而接受过大学教育的人仅占约1%。 2001年当地农民的收入远远低于全国平均水平,人均收入仅为1044.4元(人民币:人民币,8.3元= 1美元),仅占爱好者的44.1%,占公民的15.1%全国。诸如发展特色经济和推广有效的能源利用方法等措施已被证明是实现收入增长和环境保护的成功途径。为了解决社区经济发展与生物多样性保护之间的矛盾,应该引入有效的机制,例如公共补偿和社区共同管理。共享有利政策并合理利用自然资源,可以与保护生物多样性一起实现地方社区经济可持续发展的目标。



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