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Applying complementary species vulnerability assessments to improve conservation strategies in the Galapagos Marine Reserve.


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Marine biodiversity can be protected by identifying vulnerable species and creating marine protected areas (MPAs) to ensure their survival. A wide variety of methods are employed by environmental managers to determine areas of conservation priority, however which methods should be applied is often a subject of debate for practitioners and scientists. We applied two species vulnerability assessments, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list of threatened species and FishBase's intrinsic vulnerability assessment, to fish communities in three coastal habitats (mangrove, rocky and coral) on the island of San Cristobal, Galapagos. When using the IUCN red list of threatened species, rocky reefs hosted the greatest number of vulnerable species, however when applying the FishBase assessment of intrinsic vulnerability mangroves hosted the greatest abundance of 'very-highly' vulnerable species and coral ecosystems hosted the greatest abundance of 'highly' vulnerable species. The two methods showed little overlap in determining habitat types that host vulnerable species because they rely on different biological and ecological parameters. Since extensive data is required for IUCN red list assessments, we show that the intrinsic vulnerability assessment from FishBase can be used to complement the IUCN red list especially in data-poor areas. Intrinsic vulnerability assessments are based on less data-intensive methods than the IUCN red list, but nonetheless may bridge information gaps that can arise when using the IUCN red list alone. Vulnerability assessments based on intrinsic factors are not widely applied in marine spatial planning, but their inclusion as a tool for forming conservation strategies can be useful in preventing species loss.
机译:可以通过确定脆弱物种并建立海洋保护区(MPA)以确保其生存来保护海洋生物多样性。环境管理人员采用了多种方法来确定优先保护的领域,但是,对于从业者和科学家来说,应该采用哪种方法通常是一个争论的话题。我们对圣克里斯托瓦尔岛三个沿海生境(红树林,岩石和珊瑚)的鱼类群落应用了两种物种脆弱性评估,即国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)濒危物种红色名录和FishBase固有脆弱性评估,加拉帕戈斯群岛。当使用IUCN濒危物种红色名录时,礁石中容纳的脆弱物种数量最多,然而,在应用FishBase对内在脆弱性的评估中,红树林容纳了“非常高度”脆弱物种数量最多的物种,而珊瑚生态系统则容纳了数量最多的脆弱物​​种。 “高度”脆弱的物种。由于确定方法依赖于不同的生物和生态参数,因此在确定易受害物种的栖息地类型方面几乎没有重叠。由于IUCN红色清单评估需要大量数据,因此我们证明了FishBase的固有脆弱性评估可用于补充IUCN红色清单,尤其是在数据贫乏地区。固有的漏洞评估是基于比IUCN红色列表少的数据密集型方法,但是尽管如此,可能会弥补仅使用IUCN红色列表时可能出现的信息鸿沟。基于内在因素的脆弱性评估在海洋空间规划中并未得到广泛应用,但是将其作为形成保护策略的工具,可以用于防止物种流失。



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