首页> 外文期刊>Biodiversity and Conservation >Ecological aspects of endemic plant populations on Klang Gates quartz ridge, a habitat island in Peninsular Malaysia.

Ecological aspects of endemic plant populations on Klang Gates quartz ridge, a habitat island in Peninsular Malaysia.


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The population characteristics of Aleisanthia rupestris (Rubiaceae), Eulalia milsumii (Poaceae) and Ilex praetermissa (Aquifoliaceae), endemic to the Klang Gates quartz ridge north-east of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia were studied. Whereas their narrow, natural distribution within species-poor communities in drier, less fertile conditions on the ridge can be explained by the selection of adaptive traits and reduced plant competition compared to the more extensive, surrounding richer forest communities on more fertile soils, recent disturbances altering site conditions have diminished their populations. Populations were compared among various terrain and site conditions (ridge spine or rockface, exposed or sheltered) on less disturbed and very disturbed portions of the ridge. A. rupestris was scarce or absent in sites shaded by taller vegetation, probably an inability to establish in conditions associated with deeper soil development. I. praetermissa appeared specially adapted to rockfaces where unstable substrates and poor soil development may restrict competition with other plants. All three species were adversely affected to varying degrees by disturbance and altered site conditions; invasive, fast-spreading, thicket-forming, weeds in disturbed sites on gentler terrain on the ridge spine appear to be especially detrimental to A. rupestris and E. milsumii establishment. Although the larger plant size of I. praetermissa compared to the other two species could mean it is less likely to be shaded out by invading weedy species, residual adults as well as new regeneration may not adapt to changed site conditions following disturbance. Distinguishing between adaptation (of both adults and new regeneration) to changed environmental conditions following disturbance, and ability in competing for space and resources against invading weedy species, is relevant.
机译:巴生盖茨石英脊特有的小木兰(Aleisanthia rupestris (Rubiaceae), Eulalia milsumii (Poaceae)和 Plexterme (Aquifoliaceae)的种群特征。对马来西亚吉隆坡东北部进行了研究。与较肥沃的土壤上较宽阔,周围较丰富的森林群落相比,干旱地区较贫瘠的物种群落内较窄的自然分布,而山脊上的肥沃条件较弱,可以通过选择适应性状和减少植物竞争来解释场地条件的改变使他们的人口减少了。在不那么受干扰和非常受干扰的山脊部分的各种地形和工地条件(山脊脊柱或岩壁,裸露或遮蔽)之间比较了种群。 A。在高大的植被所遮蔽的地方,鼠尾草稀少或缺乏,这可能无法在与土壤深层发展有关的条件下建立。我praetermissa 似乎特别适用于岩石表面,其中不稳定的基质和不良的土壤发育可能会限制与其他植物的竞争。这三种物种都受到干扰和场所条件变化的不同程度的不利影响;在脊脊较平缓的地形上受干扰的部位,具侵入性,快速扩散,形成灌木的杂草似乎对A尤其有害。 rupestris 和 E。 milsumii 建立。虽然我的工厂规模较大。与其他两个物种相比,praetermissa 可能意味着它不太可能被入侵的杂草物种所遮蔽,残留的成年动物以及新的再生可能不适应扰动后改变的立地条件。区分干扰和适应成虫后适应变化的环境条件(成年和新的再生)与争夺入侵杂草物种的空间和资源的能力之间的相关性很重要。



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