首页> 外文期刊>Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia >New Data About Larentiinae (Geometridae, Lepidoptera) of the Kolsai Koldery State National Natural Park and its Adjacent Areas

New Data About Larentiinae (Geometridae, Lepidoptera) of the Kolsai Koldery State National Natural Park and its Adjacent Areas

机译:Kolsai Koldery州立国家自然公园及其邻近地区的天蛾科(鳞翅目,鳞翅目)的新数据

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This research was conducted during 2009-2014 on the territory of the Kolsai Koldery National Park and the surrounding territories of the Northern Tien Shan. The purpose of the research was the determination of Larentiinae (Geometridae, Lepidoptera) fauna and the spread of its species. New fauna data of 64 species of small geometer moths from the Kolsai Koldery National Park and its surrounding territories are presented in this article. Thirty-four of them are new ones for this territory. Two of themare probably new even for the science itself: Thera sp., Horisme cf. nigrovittata Warren. The conducted zoogeographical analysis of small moths showed the predomination of Palaearctic species (11 ones). The other providing the diversity species are: Eurasiatic, Turkestani, Turonian, West-Palaearctic, 5 species per each group respectively. The other areal groups are less numerous ones. For example: European-Westasiatic - 4, Transpalaearctic - 3, Sub-Mediterranean - 2, Mediterranean - 4, Sub- Transasiatic- 1, Eurosiberian - 1, Sub -transevraziatskiya - 1, Sub- Transpalaearctic - 1, Holarctic - 1. 16 species are endemic and subendemic ones for this territory.
机译:这项研究是在2009年至2014年期间在Kolsai Koldery国家公园的领土和北天山的周边地区进行的。该研究的目的是确定天竺葵科(Leoentienae,Lepidoptera)的动物区系及其种类的传播。本文介绍了来自Kolsai Koldery国家公园及其周边地区的64种小几何蛾的新动物区系数据。其中有34个是该地区的新产品。即使对于科学本身而言,它们中的两个可能也很新:Thera sp。,Horisme cf. nigrovittata沃伦。对小蛾类进行的动物地理学分析表明,古蛾种占主导地位(11种)。另一个提供多样性的物种是:欧亚大陆,土库斯塔尼,突厥人,西古太平洋,每组分别有5种。其他区域群体较少。例如:欧洲西部-4,泛太平洋-3,地中海南部-2,地中海-4,泛亚太平洋-1,欧洲西伯利亚-1,泛太平洋-1,泛太平洋-1,北极-1. 16该地区的特有种和亚特有种。



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