首页> 外文期刊>Current urology. >Serum Testosterone Level and Semen Indices in Sulfur Mustard Exposed Men: Comment on 'Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay Analysis of Iranian Mustard Gas Casualties: A Long-Term Outlook'

Serum Testosterone Level and Semen Indices in Sulfur Mustard Exposed Men: Comment on 'Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay Analysis of Iranian Mustard Gas Casualties: A Long-Term Outlook'


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We read with great interest the article by Safarinejad [1], which investigated an association between sulfur mustard (SM) exposure and sperm DNA damage using sperm chromatin structure assay on SM-injured and non-SM-injured infertile and fertile men. Accordingly, spermatozoa from SM-injured subjects had more abnormal chromatin than their non-SM-injured counterparts [1]. This article is quite interesting as the relationship between SM exposure and sperm DNA integrity has not been hitherto reported in the literature [1-3]. However, there are 2 controversial findings in the study by Safarinejad. In table 1 of the results section, Safarinejad recorded 122.7 nmol/1 as the mean value of serum testosterone level in non-SM-injured healthy fertile men (group 4 of the study).
机译:我们非常感兴趣地阅读了Safarinejad [1]的文章,该文章使用SM损伤和非SM损伤的不育和可育男性的精子染色质结构测定研究了硫芥子(SM)暴露与精子DNA损伤之间的关系。因此,来自SM损伤受试者的精子比非SM损伤受试者的精子染色质异常多[1]。这篇文章非常有趣,因为迄今为止尚未在文献中报道过SM暴露与精子DNA完整性之间的关系[1-3]。但是,Safarinejad的研究有2个有争议的发现。在结果部分的表1中,Safarinejad记录了122.7 nmol / 1作为未受SM伤害的健康可育男性的血清睾丸激素水平的平均值(研究的第4组)。



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