首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications >Norm estimates for tau-pseudodifferential operators in Wiener amalgam and modulation spaces

Norm estimates for tau-pseudodifferential operators in Wiener amalgam and modulation spaces

机译:Wiener Amalgam和调制空间中Tau-Psuifodififififferential operations的常规估计

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We study continuity properties on modulation spaces for tau-pseudodifferential operators Op(tau) (a) with symbols a in Wiener amalgam spaces. We obtain boundedness results for tau is an element of(0, 1) whereas, in the end-points tau = 0 and tau = 1, the corresponding operators are in general unbounded. Furthermore, for tau is an element of(0, 1), we exhibit a function of tau which is an upper bound for the operator norm. The continuity properties of Op(tau) (a), for any tau is an element of[0, 1], with symbols a in modulation spaces are well known. Here we find an upper bound for the operator norm which does not depend on the parameter tau is an element of[0, 1], as expected. Key ingredients are uniform continuity estimates for tau-Wigner distributions. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:我们在Wiener Amalgam空间中使用符号A的Tau-Pseudodififififference运营商OP(TAU)(A)的调制空间的连续性属性。 我们获得TAU的界限结果是(0,1)的元素,而在终点Tau = 0和Tau = 1中,相应的操作员通常无界。 此外,对于Tau是(0,1)的元素,我们表现出Tau的函数,这是操作员规范的上限。 OP(TAU)(A)的连续性属性,任何TAU是[0,1]的元素,其中调制空间中的符号A是众所周知的。 在这里,我们找到了操作员规范的上限,其不依赖于参数tau,是[0,1]的元素,如预期的那样。 主要成分是TAU-WIGNER分布的统一连续性估计。 (c)2018 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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