首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Sound and Vibration >A novel distributed model predictive control method based on a substructuring technique for smart tensegrity structure vibrations

A novel distributed model predictive control method based on a substructuring technique for smart tensegrity structure vibrations


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This paper considers distributed model predictive control (DMPC) for the vibrations of smart tensegrity structures with input saturation. A distributed control strategy is necessary to enable the autonomy in the individual subsystems, reduce the computational burden of centralized control, and enhance the fault tolerance of control systems. In this work, the dynamic model for smart tensegrity structures equipped with active piezoelectric actuators is generated first by the finite element method. Then, based on the substructuring technique, the entire tensegrity structure system is decomposed into a series of multilevel subsystems. For each subsystem, the continuous-time predictive model equations are discretized by the explicit form of the Newmark-beta algorithm. Finally, based on the parametric variational principle, the DMPC problem with input saturation is transformed into a series of linear complementarity problems. The proposed method provides a simple, unified and flexible multilevel distributed control framework for solving the vibration control problems of smart tensegrity structure systems. Numerical experiments illustrate that the proposed DMPC method is effective and exhibits performance comparable to that of a typical centralized model predictive control (CMPC) method. In addition, the constraints of the control input saturation for the proposed DMPC method can be satisfied. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:本文认为分布式模型预测控制(DMPC),用于具有输入饱和度的智能矩形结构的振动。可以在各个子系统中实现自主的分布式控制策略,降低集中控制的计算负担,并增强控制系统的容错。在这项工作中,首先通过有限元法产生配备有源压电致动器的智能矩形结构的动态模型。然后,基于子结构技术,整个矩阵结构系统被分解成一系列多级子系统。对于每个子系统,连续时间预测模型方程由纽马克-Beta算法的显式形式离散化。最后,基于参数变分原理,将输入饱和的DMPC问题变为一系列线性互补问题。该方法提供了一种简单,统一和灵活的多级分布式控制框架,用于解决智​​能态态结构系统的振动控制问题。数值实验说明所提出的DMPC方法是有效的,并且表现出与典型集中模型预测控制(CMPC)方法相当的性能。另外,可以满足所提出的DMPC方法的控制输入饱和度的约束。 (c)2020 elestvier有限公司保留所有权利。



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