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Methotrexate versus leflunomide in rheumatoid arthritis: what is new in 2011?


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To review the recent efficacy and safety data comparing methotrexate (MTX) and leflunomide (LEF) monotherapy, in combination with biologic therapies and in combination with each other. RECENT FINDINGS: MTX is the 'anchor drug' in all rheumatoid arthritis treatment strategies. Patients with contraindications to or intolerance of this drug pose a challenge to the treating physician. Recent studies have re-examined LEF as an alternative to MTX and demonstrated comparable clinical and radiographic efficacy both as monotherapy and in combination with certain biologic agents (tumor necrosis factor inhibitors and rituximab). Safety data, however, are less conclusive. Though some studies have shown greater withdrawal rates with LEF, the incidence of infection and elevated transaminases have been comparable. There are few new data examining the previously demonstrated added benefit of combination MTX+LEF over either alone. The safety profile of this combination, however, has been re-examined in several studies, with conflicting results. Although two meta-analyses and two small retrospective studies have demonstrated a safety profile similar to that of MTX monotherapy, data from a large population study suggested a greater degree of hepatotoxicity with combination. SUMMARY: LEF offers an alternative with comparable efficacy to MTX as both monotherapy and, as preliminary data suggest, in combination with certain biologics agents. Addition of LEF to MTX in rheumatoid arthritis patients who have failed MTX monotherapy has added therapeutic benefit. Safety data on LEF compared to MTX are less conclusive. All patients on LEF, and particularly those on combined LEF+MTX, should be monitored closely for hepatotoxicity.
机译:审查目的:回顾近期比较甲氨蝶呤(MTX)和来氟米特(LEF)单一疗法,生物疗法以及彼此结合的疗效和安全性数据。最新发现:MTX是所有类风湿关节炎治疗策略中的“辅助药物”。对该药物有禁忌症或不耐受症的患者对主治医师构成了挑战。最近的研究重新检查了LEF作为MTX的替代品,并证明了其作为单一疗法以及与某些生物制剂(肿瘤坏死因子抑制剂和利妥昔单抗)联合使用时具有可比的临床和放射学功效。但是,安全性数据的结论性较差。尽管一些研究表明LEF的戒断率更高,但感染的发生率和转氨酶升高却是可比的。很少有新数据可以检验以前证明的MTX + LEF组合相对于任何一个单独组合所具有的额外好处。但是,这种结合的安全性在一些研究中已被重新检查,结果相矛盾。尽管两项荟萃分析和两项小型回顾性研究显示出与MTX单药疗法相似的安全性,但来自大量人群的研究数据表明,联合使用对肝毒性的影响更大。总结:LEF提供了一种与MTX具有相当疗效的替代方案,既可作为单一疗法,又如初步数据所示,与某些生物制剂联用。在MTX单一疗法失败的类风湿性关节炎患者中,将LEF添加到MTX中增加了治疗益处。与MTX相比,LEF的安全性数据尚无定论。所有LEF患者,特别是合并LEF + MTX的患者,均应密切监测其肝毒性。



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