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Enthalpy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics


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The change in enthalpy of a chemical reaction conducted at constant pressure is equal to the heat of the reaction plus the nonexpansion work of the reaction, Delta H = qP + w(additional). After deriving that relationship, most general and physical chemistry textbooks set w(additional) = 0 to arrive at the claim that Delta H = q(p), and nearly all further discussion of enthalpy assumes that Delta H = q(p). Setting w(additional) = 0 is viable for spontaneous reactions, but for non-spontaneous reactions, w(additional) not equal 0 as a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics. Therefore, Delta H # q(p) for nonspontaneous reactions. Moreover, nonexpansion work is important for many interesting and important spontaneous reactions in biology (e.g., muscular movement, nerve signal transmission) and in modern society (e.g., batteries); incorporating w(additional) into Delta H allows for a more accurate discussion of the energy flow in these reactions. In this paper, I show that Delta H not equal qp for nonspontaneous reactions, and I discuss how Delta H must be partitioned between q(p), and w(additional) for several kinds of reactions according to the second law of thermodynamics. Finally, I suggest how the discussion of enthalpy could be corrected in general and physical chemistry textbooks.
机译:在恒定压力下进行的化学反应焓的变化等于反应的热量加上反应的非噬菌体作品,ΔH= QP + W(附加)。在导出关系之后,大多数一般和物理化学教科书设置W(附加)= 0到达ΔH= Q(P)的索赔,并且几乎所有关于焓的讨论都假定ΔH= Q(P)。设定W(附加)= 0对于自发反应是可行的,但对于非自发反应,因此由于热力学的第二律法,W(附加)不等于0。因此,Delta H#Q(P)用于非接种反应。此外,NoRexpansion工作对于生物学(例如,肌肉运动,神经信号传输)和现代社会中的许多有趣和重要的自发反应非常重要(例如,电池);将W(附加)与Delta H合并,允许更准确地讨论这些反应中的能量流动。在本文中,我表明Delta H不等于QP的非行业反应,我讨论了ΔH必须在Q(P)之间的分区,以及根据热力学的第二律法为几种反应的W(附加)。最后,我建议如何在一般和物理化学教科书中纠正焓的讨论。



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