首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Polymer Science >Determination of the effect of pressure on viscosity at high shear rates by using an injection molding machine

Determination of the effect of pressure on viscosity at high shear rates by using an injection molding machine


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The effect of pressure on rheological behavior of polymer melts is surely a significant phenomenon for polymer processing, and its determination has been the object of several studies which highlighted the difficulties in performing accurate measurements. Even more important is the determination of this effect at very high shear rates, which cannot easily be obtained by conventional rheometers. In this work, a slit rheometer was located at the nozzle of the injection molding machine to obtain rheological measurements by means of two pressure transducers. Pressure values were analyzed by an original method to evaluate the pressure coefficient and the viscosity at zero pressure. The zero pressure viscosity aligned with independent rheological measurements obtained in previous works. The effect of pressure on viscosity was described by means of a parameter whose values resulted to be in line with those obtained in previous works, although the highest shear rates explored in this work were at least one order of magnitude larger. (C) 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:压力对聚合物熔体流变行为的影响肯定是聚合物加工的显着现象,其测定是若干研究的目的,这突出了进行准确测量的困难。更重要的是在非常高的剪切速率下测定这种效果,其不能通过常规变性计容易地获得。在这项工作中,狭缝流变仪位于注塑机的喷嘴处,通过两个压力传感器获得流变测量。通过原始方法分析压力值,以评估压力系数和效率在零压力下。零压力粘度与先前作品中获得的独立流变测量排列。借助于该参数描述了压力对粘度的影响,其值导致与先前作品中获得的那些的参数描述,尽管本作工作中探索的最高剪切速率至少为较大的数量级。 (c)2017 Wiley期刊,Inc。



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