首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Science >Effect of dietary fat concentration from condensed corn distillers' solubles, during the growing phase, on beef cattle performance, carcass traits, digestibility, and ruminal metabolism

Effect of dietary fat concentration from condensed corn distillers' solubles, during the growing phase, on beef cattle performance, carcass traits, digestibility, and ruminal metabolism


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The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of fat concentration from corn distillers' solubles (CDS), fed during the growing phase, on DMI, gain, carcass traits, digestibility, ruminal metabolism, and methane emissions of steers. In Exp. 1, 40 steers (age = 136 +/- 20 d; BW = 185 +/- 11 kg) were randomly allotted to 1 of 5 dietary treatments: 1) a cornbased growing diet (CNT), 2) 0% CDS, 3) 10% CDS, 4) 19% CDS, or 5) 27% CDS. Diets 2 through 5 included coproducts (corn gluten feed and soybean hulls) and were formulated to achieve fat concentrations of 3, 5, 7, and 9%, respectively. Diets were fed once daily for 106 d (growing phase). All steers were fed a corn-based diet from d 107 to 196. Contrasts were used to examine 1) the difference between CNT and 10% CDS and 2) linear and quadratic effects of CDS inclusion. During the growing phase, steers fed CNT had increased (P 0.01) ADG and G:F compared with steers fed 10% CDS. Increasing CDS inclusion increased (linear, P = 0.02) ADG and G: F. Overall, steers fed CNT had increased (P 0.01) ADG compared with steers fed 10% CDS, but increasing CDS inclusion had no effect (P = 0.19) on overall ADG. Overall DMI and G: F were not different (P >= 0.16) in any contrast. There was a trend (Linear; P = 0.08) for ultrasound marbling at d 196 to increase as CDS inclusion increased; however, there were no effects (P >= 0.20) of treatment on carcass marbling or quality grade. In Exp. 2, 5 steers (BW = 335 +/- 56 kg) were fed Exp. 1 diets for ad libitum intakes in a 5 x 5 Latin square design. Apparent DM digestibility increased (linear, P = 0.02) with increasing dietary CDS inclusion. Steers fed CNT had greater (P = 0.01) DM digestibility than those fed 10% CDS. Fat digestibility increased (linear, P 0.01) in steers with increasing CDS, but NDF and ADF digestibility were not affected (P >= 0.17) by treatment. Similarly, ruminal pH and VFA concentrations were not affected (P >= 0.13). Also, there was no difference (P >= 0.37) in ruminal methane emissions (g/h). In conclusion, feeding corn during the growing phase increased overall ADG compared with 10% CDS coproduct-based diet but did not affect carcass traits or methane production. Increasing dietary fat inclusion from CDS in coproductbased diets linearly increased DM and fat digestibility and predicted marbling scores via ultrasound but did not affect marbling at slaughter, NDF digestibility, propionate, or methane production.
机译:本研究的目的是确定脂肪浓度的来自玉米酒糟可溶物(CDS),在生长阶段进料,在DMI,增益,胴体性状,消化率,瘤胃代谢和肉牛的甲烷排放量的效果。在exp。 1,40公牛(年龄= 136 +/- 20 d; BW = 185±11千克),随机分为1 5的饮食治疗:1)cornbased生长饮食(CNT),2)0%CDS,3 )10个%CDS,4)19%的CDS,或5)27点%的CDS。饮食2至5个包括副产物(玉米蛋白饲料和大豆皮)和配制以达到3,5,7,和9%的脂肪的浓度,分别。日粮饲喂每天一次106 d(生长阶段)。所有阉牛喂养从d 107玉米基日粮至196对比被用来研究1)CNT和10点%的CDS和2之间)的线性和CDS列入二次效果的差异。在生长阶段,阉牛供给CNT增加了(P< 0.01)ADG和G:F与阉牛相比供给10点%的CDS。增加CDS包含增加(线性中,P = 0.02)ADG和G:F.总的来说,阉牛供给CNT增加了(P< 0.01)ADG与阉牛相比供给10点%的CDS,但越来越多的CDS包含没有效果(P =上整体ADG 0.19)。整体DMI和G:F没有差异(P> = 0.16)在任何对比度。有一种趋势(线性; P = 0.08)在d 196超声大理石花纹增加,因为CDS列入增加;然而,没有对胴体大理石花纹或质量等级的治疗效果(P> = 0.20)。在exp。 2,5公牛(BW = 335±56千克)饲喂进出口。 1个饮食在5×5拉丁方设计自由采食摄入量。表观消化率DM增加(直链的,P = 0.02)与增加膳食CDS包容。供给CNT装载机具有更大的(P = 0.01)DM消化率比饲喂10点%的CDS。脂肪消化率增加(线性中,P; 0.01)的增加CDS装载机,但NDF和ADF消化率并没有受到影响(P> = 0.17)进行处理。类似地,瘤胃pH和VFA浓度并没有受到影响(P> = 0.13)。此外,有在瘤胃的甲烷排放量(克/小时)没有差异(P> = 0.37)。总之,在生长阶段饲喂玉米有10%的CDS的副产品为主的日粮相比增加了整体ADG但不影响胴体性状或甲烷生产。增加膳食脂肪夹杂CDS在coproductbased饮食线性增加DM和脂肪的消化率和预测大理石花纹通过超声得分,但并没有影响在屠宰,NDF消化率,丙酸,或甲烷生产大理石花纹。



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