首页> 外文期刊>Dalton transactions: An international journal of inorganic chemistry >Building trans-philicity (trans-effect/trans-influence) ladders for octahedral complexes by using an NMR probe

Building trans-philicity (trans-effect/trans-influence) ladders for octahedral complexes by using an NMR probe


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An NMR trans-philicity ladder was built for octahedral [Cr(CO)(5)L](-/0/+) complexes employing a C-13 NMR probe and quantified by Delta sigma C-13 NMR probe and quantified through calculation of the Delta sigma = sigma(Cr(CO)5L)-sigma(Cr(CO)5) NMR parameter employing DFT computational methods. This quantification notably retrieves the experimental trans-orienting series. The excellent linear correlations between the calculated.s NMR parameter and well established ligand electronic parameters, such as the ligand constant P-L and the ligand electrochemical parameter E-L(L), that measure the ligand bonding effects in coordination and organometallic chemistry prompt us to introduce the trans-philicity concept as a unified term to cover both the kinetic trans-effect and its thermodynamic (ground state)trans-influence cousin. The trans-philicity for ligand L is defined as the strength of philicity of the coordination site in trans-position to itself. trans-Effect and trans-influence ladders have also been built for the octahedral [ Cr (CO)(5)L](-/0/+) complexes based on the calculated intrinsic bond dissociation energy of the Cr-COtrans bond, IBDE(Cr-COtrans)to account for the trans-effect and the nu(C O-trans) and nu(Cr-COtrans)vibrational frequencies, and R(Cr-COtrans)bond lengths to develop the trans-influence series and compared with the NMR trans-philicity ladder.
机译:用C-13 NMR探针采用C-13 NMR探针的八面体[Cr(CO)(5)L]( - / 0 / +)配合物而构建了NMR跨型梯子,并通过ΔSigmaC-13 NMR探针量化并通过计算量化δSigma= Sigma(Cr(CO)5L)-Sigma(Cr(CO)5)采用DFT计算方法的NMR参数。这种量化显着地检索实验型转向系列。计算的NMR参数和良好建立的配体电子参数之间的优异线性相关性,例如配体常数PL和配体电化学参数EL(L),其测量协调和有机金属化学中的配体粘合效果提示我们介绍跨性费概念作为统一术语,以涵盖动力学跨效应及其热力学(地态)跨影响表库。配体L的跨性质是定义为跨位的协调部位的密度。还基于Cr-Cotrans键的计算出的内在键(I / 0 / +)复合物,基于CR-COTRANS键,IBDE( CR-COTRANS)考虑跨效应和NU(C O-TRANS)和NU(CR-COTRANS)振动频率,以及R(CR-COTRANS)键长度,以开发跨影响系列并与之比较NMR跨越性梯子。



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