首页> 外文期刊>Dalton transactions: An international journal of inorganic chemistry >A low temperature pyrolytic route to amorphous quasi-hexagonal boron nitride from hydrogen rich (NH4)(3)Mg(BH4)(5)

A low temperature pyrolytic route to amorphous quasi-hexagonal boron nitride from hydrogen rich (NH4)(3)Mg(BH4)(5)


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Pure amorphous quasi-hexagonal boron nitride with minute amounts of amorphous quasi-cubic form was obtained via thermal decomposition of a novel tri-ammonium magnesium penta-borohydride precursor, (NH4)(3)Mg(BH4)(5), in the temperature range of 220-250 degrees C, which is significantly lower than 1000-1500 degrees C applied in industrial approaches. The (NH4)(3)Mg(BH4)(5) precursor, the most hydrogen rich mixed-cation borohydride salt known to date (21 wt% H), was prepared via low temperature high-energy dry disc-milling. The compound adopts a tetragonal I4/mcm unit cell isostructural with Rb3Mg(BH4)(5) and Cs3Mg(BH4)(5). The multi-step thermal decomposition yields hydrogen contaminated with B2H6 and borazine volatiles. The solid residue rinsed with water corresponds to amorphous boron nitride of high purity as evidenced by B-11 MAS NMR, PXRD, FTIR and EDX analyses.
机译:通过新的三铵镁 - 硼氢化氢前体,(NH 4)(3)Mg(BH4)(5),在温度下,通过热分解获得微晶准立方形式的纯无定形准六边形氮化物。在温度下 220-250摄氏度的范围,其在工业方法中显着低于1000-1500摄氏度。 (NH4)(3)Mg(BH4)(5)前体,通过低温高能量干燥盘铣削制备迄今为止的迄今为止的富含氢的混合阳离子硼氢化硼盐。 该化合物采用四边形I4 / MCM单位细胞,具有RB3MG(BH4)(5)和CS3MG(BH4)(5)。 多步热分解产生与B2H6和硼嗪挥发物污染的氢。 用水冲洗固体残余物对应于高纯度的无定形氮化硼,如B-11MAS NMR,PXRD,FTIR和EDX分析所证明。



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