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Adipose tissue quality in health and disease.


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The development of adiposity is characterized by an increased number and size of adipocytes. In addition to mass, also the quality of adipose tissue plays an important role in adipose tissue-related metabolic disease.A balanced amount of adipose tissue is generally maintained by processes that regulate the number and size of adipocytes. Adipogenesis refers to proliferation of adipo-cyte precursors and differentiation of these precursor cells into mature adipocytes. This process is, among others, regulated by a complex but well-characterized cascade of transcription factors including peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR7) and CCAAT/enhan-cer-binding proteins (G/EBPs). Various other mechanisms, including microRNAs (miRNAs) and autophagy, may also contribute to the generation of a balanced amount of adipose tissue. Disturbances of these processes may lead to adipose tissue dysfunction and its undesirable metabolic consequences.
机译:肥胖的发展特征在于脂肪细胞的数量和大小增加。除质量外,脂肪组织的质量在与脂肪组织有关的代谢性疾病中也起着重要作用。通常通过调节脂肪细胞的数量和大小的过程来维持平衡量的脂肪组织。脂肪形成是指脂肪细胞前体的增殖以及这些前体细胞向成熟脂肪细胞的分化。除其他外,该过程受复杂但特征明确的级联转录因子调控,包括过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体γ(PPAR7)和CCAAT / enhan-cer-binding蛋白(G / EBPs)。各种其他机制,包括microRNA(miRNA)和自噬,也可能有助于平衡数量的脂肪组织的产生。这些过程的紊乱可能导致脂肪组织功能障碍及其不良的代谢后果。



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