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Experimental study of wear-induced delamination for DLC coated automotive components


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The trends in automotive industry are towards higher performance, improved reliability, reduced tolerances and more environmental friendly products. Wear resistance enhanced mechanical components exhibiting lower friction help achieving this major challenge. Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) deposited on mechanical components operating under lubricated conditions at temperatures between 100 and 250 degrees C, efficiently decrease the friction coefficient and insure wear protection. Wear induced debonding and blistering of hard surface coatings is still a major problem in the automotive industry. There are several open questions. Where does debonding start? Where does the interface crack propagate? Where does it deviate leading to delamination? In this work, we show how the combination of the latest experimental techniques allows to answer these questions and thus better control wear. Blistering is influenced by the overall stress in the coating and the very local microstructure of the substrate. A combination of AFM and nano-indentation measurements, as well as FIB milling with in situ FEG-SEM observations and local chemical measurements by EDX, allows to observe closely and better understand wear-induced delamination. The new availability of such physical and chemical investigations should improve mechanical and physical-based models to predict wear and enhance coating adhesion.
机译:汽车行业的趋势趋向于更高的性能,提高可靠性,降低公差和更环保的产品。耐磨性增强的机械部件表现出较低的摩擦有助于实现这一主要挑战。沉积在100至250℃的温度下在润滑条件下操作的机械部件上的金刚石碳(DLC),有效降低摩擦系数和确保磨损保护。磨损诱导的剥离和硬表面涂层的起泡仍然是汽车行业的主要问题。有几个开放问题。剥夺队在哪里开始?界面裂缝在哪里传播?它偏离哪些导致分层?在这项工作中,我们展示了最新实验技术的组合如何回答这些问题,从而更好地控制磨损。起泡受到涂层中的整体应力和基材的非常局部微观结构的影响。 AFM和纳米压痕测量的组合,以及EDX的原位FEG-SEM观察和局部化学测量的FIB铣削,可以仔细观察,更好地了解磨损诱导的分层。这种物理和化学研究的新可用性应改善机械和物理的模型以预测磨损和增强涂层粘附。



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