首页> 外文期刊>Current respiratory medicine reviews >Patient perspectives in OMERACT provide an anchor for future metric development and improved approaches to healthcare delivery in connective tissue disease related interstitial lung disease (CTD-ILD)

Patient perspectives in OMERACT provide an anchor for future metric development and improved approaches to healthcare delivery in connective tissue disease related interstitial lung disease (CTD-ILD)


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Objective: The impact and natural history of connective tissue disease related interstitial lung disease (CTD-ILD) are poorly understood; and have not been previously described from the patient’s perspective. This investigation sought insight into CTD-ILD from the patients’ perspective to add to our knowledge of CTD-ILD, identify disease-specific areas of unmet need and gather potentially meaningful information towards development of disease-specific patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). Methods: A mixed methods design incorporating patient focus groups (FGs) querying disease progression and life impact followed by questionnaires with items of importance generated by >250 ILD specialists were implemented among CTDILD patients with rheumatoid arthritis, idiopathic inflammatory myopathies, systemic sclerosis, and other CTD subtypes. FG data were analyzed through inductive analysis with five independent analysts, including a patient research partner. Questionnaires were analyzed through Fisher’s Exact tests and hierarchal cluster analysis. Results: Six multicenter FGs included 45 patients. Biophysiologic themes were cough and dyspnea, both pervasively impacting health related quality of life (HRQoL). Language indicating dyspnea was unexpected, unique and contextual. Psycho-social themes were Living with Uncertainty, Struggle over Self-Identity, and Self-Efficacy - with education and clinician communication strongly emphasised. All questionnaire items were rated ‘moderately’ to ‘extremely’ important with 10 items of highest importance identified by cluster analysis. Conclusion: Patients with CTD-ILD informed our understanding of symptoms and impact on HRQoL. Cough and dyspnea are central to the CTD-ILD experience. Initial FGs have provided disease-specific content, context and language essential for reliable PROM development with questionnaires adding value in recognition of patients’ concerns.
机译:目的:对结缔组织病相关性间质性肺病(CTD-ILD)的影响和自然病程了解甚少;并且以前没有从患者的角度进行描述。这项调查从患者的角度寻求对CTD-ILD的了解,以增加我们对CTD-ILD的了解,确定未满足需求的疾病特定区域,并收集潜在的有意义的信息,以开发特定疾病的患者报告的结局指标(PROM) 。方法:在患有风湿性关节炎,特发性炎症性肌病,系统性硬化症和其他疾病的CTDILD患者中,采用混合方法设计,其中包括患者焦点小组(FG),询问疾病进展和生命影响,然后进行问卷调查,问卷由250多名ILD专家生成。 CTD亚型。 FG数据通过归纳分析与包括一名患者研究合作伙伴在内的五名独立分析师进行了分析。通过Fisher精确检验和层次聚类分析对问卷进行了分析。结果:六个多中心FG包括45例患者。生物生理学主题是咳嗽和呼吸困难,都普遍影响健康相关的生活质量(HRQoL)。表示呼吸困难的语言是意料之外的,独特的和上下文相关的。心理社会主题是不确定性,自我认同和自我效能的斗争-强烈强调教育和临床医生的沟通。所有问卷调查项目都被“中度”评为“极度重要”,并通过聚类分析确定了10个最重要的项目。结论:CTD-ILD患者告知我们对症状及其对HRQoL的影响的了解。咳嗽和呼吸困难是CTD-ILD经验的核心。最初的FG提供了特定疾病的内容,上下文和语言,对于可靠的PROM发展至关重要,而问卷则增加了对患者担忧的认识。


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