首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Scaling of avian bipedal locomotion reveals independent effects of body mass and leg posture on gait

Scaling of avian bipedal locomotion reveals independent effects of body mass and leg posture on gait


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Birds provide an interesting opportunity to study the relationships between body size, limb morphology and bipedal locomotor function. Birds are ecologically diverse and span a large range of body size and limb proportions, yet all use their hindlimbs for bipedal terrestrial locomotion, for at least some part of their life history. Here, we review the scaling of avian striding bipedal gaits to explore how body mass and leg morphology influence walking and running. We collate literature data from 21 species, spanning a 2500x range in body mass from painted quail to ostriches. Using dynamic similarity theory to interpret scaling trends, we find evidence for independent effects of body mass, leg length and leg posture on gait. We find no evidence for scaling of duty factor with body size, suggesting that vertical forces scale with dynamic similarity. However, at dynamically similar speeds, large birds use relatively shorter stride lengths and higher stride frequencies compared with small birds. We also find that birds with long legs for their mass, such as the white stork and red-legged seriema, use longer strides and lower swing frequencies, consistent with the influence of high limb inertia on gait. We discuss the observed scaling of avian bipedal gait in relation to mechanical demands for force, work and power relative to muscle actuator capacity, muscle activation costs related to leg cycling frequency, and considerations of stability and agility. Many opportunities remain for future work to investigate how morphology influences gait dynamics among birds specialized for different habitats and locomotor behaviors.
机译:鸟类提供了一个有趣的机会,用于研究体型,肢体形态和双对运动功能之间的关系。鸟类是生态多样化的,涵盖了大量的体型和肢体比例,但所有人都使用他们的后目,为双层陆地运动,至少是他们生命历史的一些部分。在这里,我们审查了禽流达BipeDal Gaits的缩放,以探索身体质量和腿部的影响如何走动和跑步。我们将文献数据从21种进行,跨越2500倍的体重从彩绘的鹌鹑到鸵鸟。利用动态相似性理论来解释缩放趋势,我们发现身体质量,腿长和步态姿势姿势的独立影响的证据。我们发现没有符合体重因子的证据,旨在具有动态相似性的垂直力量。然而,在动态相似的速度下,与小鸟类相比,大鸟类使用相对较短的步幅长度和更高的频率。我们还发现腿部长腿的鸟类,如白色鹳和红腿的Siema,使用较长的进步和较低的波浪频率,与高肢体惯性对步态的影响一致。我们讨论了禽双面步态的观察到,与肌肉执行器容量相对于肌肉执行器容量,与腿部循环频率相关的肌肉激活成本以及稳定性和敏捷的考虑,讨论了武力,工作和力量的关系。未来的工作仍然有许多机会来调查形态学如何影响专门为不同栖息地和机车行为的鸟类之间的步态动态。



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