首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Acceleration-triggered animal-borne videos show a dominance of fish in the diet of female northern elephant seals

Acceleration-triggered animal-borne videos show a dominance of fish in the diet of female northern elephant seals


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Knowledge of the diet of marine mammals is fundamental to understanding their role in marine ecosystems and response to environmental change. Recently, animal-borne video cameras have revealed the diet of marine mammals that make short foraging trips. However, novel approaches that allocate video time to target prey capture events is required to obtain diet information for species that make long foraging trips over great distances. We combined satellite telemetry and depth recorders with newly developed date-/time-, depth- and acceleration-triggered animal-borne video cameras to examine the diet of female northern elephant seals during their foraging migrations across the eastern North Pacific. We obtained 48.2 h of underwater video, from cameras mounted on the head (n=12) and jaw (n=3) of seals. Fish dominated the diet (78% of 697 prey items recorded) across all foraging locations (range: 37-55 degrees N, 122-152 degrees W), diving depths (range: 238-1167 m) and water temperatures (range: 3.2-7.4 degrees C), while squid comprised only 7% of the diet. Identified prey included fish such as myctophids, Merluccius sp. and Icosteus aenigmaticus, and squid such as Histioteuthis sp., Octopoteuthis sp. and Taningia danae. Our results corroborate fatty acid analysis, which also found that fish are more important in the diet, and are in contrast to stomach content analyses that found cephalopods to be the most important component of the diet. Our work shows that in situ video observation is a useful method for studying the at-sea diet of long-ranging marine predators.
机译:对海洋哺乳动物的饮食知识是理解海洋生态系统中的作用和对环境变革的反应的基础。最近,动物传播的摄像机已经揭示了制造短觅食旅行的海洋哺乳动物的饮食。然而,需要分配用于瞄准猎物捕获事件的视频时间的新方法来获取饮食信息,以便在距离远距离觅食。我们将卫星遥测和深度记录仪与新开发的日期/时间,深度和加速触发的动物传播的摄像机相结合,以检查北太平洋东部的觅食迁徙期间雌性北部大象密封件的饮食。我们获得了48.2小时的水下视频,从安装在头部(n = 12)和钳口(n = 3)的密封件上的相机。鱼在所有觅食地点占据饮食(78%的猎物项目中的78%,范围:37-55度N,122-152°W),潜水深度(范围:238-1167米)和水温(范围:3.2 -7.4摄氏度),而鱿鱼仅占饮食的7%。鉴定的猎物包括鱼类,如蛋白质,Merluccius sp。和icosteus aenigmaticus,和鱿鱼,如histioteuthis sp。,octopoteuthis sp。和taningia danae。我们的结果证实了脂肪酸分析,也发现鱼在饮食中更为重要,与胃内容分析相反,发现头孢氨酸是饮食最重要的组成部分。我们的工作表明,原位视频观察是研究长途海洋捕食者的海上饮食的有用方法。



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