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Safety of workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.


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The 9.0 magnitude earthquake and following tsunami on March 11, 2011, destroyed many coastal cities in the northeastern part of Japan. It swamped emergency generators at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant operated by the Tokyo Electric Power Company in Fukushima prefecture, disabling the cooling systems. Since these catastrophic events, hundreds of nuclear workers have been trying to remove the radioactive water from the tsunami-ravaged nuclear compound and restart the regular cooling systems for the overheated nuclear fuel. On March 15, the Japanese Government announced that the permissible cumulative radiation exposure for nuclear workers was increased to 250 mSv per year from 100 mSv per year. The purpose of this increase seems to be merely to extend the time nuclear workers could legally spend in a radioactive area. On April 12, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency of Japan decided to raise the severity level of the crisis to 7-the highest level and equal to the 1986 disaster at Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union. We emphasise the need to predict potential scenarios in Fukushima and to prepare medical care providers for how to respond in cases of accidental high radiation exposure, since this operation is estimated to take months to years.
机译:2011年3月11日的9.0级地震和海啸之后,摧毁了日本东北部的许多沿海城市。它在福岛电力公司在福岛县东京电力公司运营的福岛Daiichi核电站紧急发电机,禁用冷却系统。由于这些灾难性事件,数百名核工人一直试图从海啸蹂躏的核化工中取出放射性水,并重新启动定期冷却系统,以获得过热的核燃料。 3月15日,日本政府宣布,核劳动人员的允许累计辐射辐射暴露每年从100毫升增加到每年250万吨。这种增加的目的似乎仅仅是延长时间可以在放射性地区合法地支出的时间。 4月12日,日本的核电和工业安全局决定将危机的严重程度提高到7 - 最高级别,等于前苏联切尔诺贝利的1986年灾难。我们强调需要预测福岛的潜在情景,并准备医疗服务提供者在意外的高辐射暴露情况下如何应对,因为该操作估计需要数月到几年。



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