
Water resources of India.


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Water resources of a country constitute one of its vital assets. India receives annual precipitation of about 4000 km3. The rainfall in India shows very high spatial and temporal variability and paradox of the situation is that Mousinram near Cherrapunji, which receives the highest rainfall in the world, also suffers from shortage of water during the non-rainy season almost every year. The total average annual flow per year for the Indian rivers is estimated to be 1953 km3. The total annual replenishable groundwater resources are assessed as 432 km3. The annual utilizable surface water and groundwater resources of India are estimated to be 690 km3 and 396 km3 per year, respectively. With rapid growing population and improving living standards, the pressure on our water resources is increasing and per capita availability of water resources is reducing day by day. Due to spatial and temporal variability in precipitation, the country faces the problem of flood and drought syndrome. Overexploitation of groundwater is leading to the reduction of low flows in the rivers, decline of the groundwater resources, and salt water intrusion in aquifers of the coastal areas. Over canal-irrigation in some of the command areas has resulted in waterlogging and salinity. The quality of surface and groundwater resources is also deteriorating because of increasing pollutant loads from point and non-point sources. The climate change is expected to affect precipitation and water availability. So far, the data collection, processing, storage and dissemination have not received adequate attention. The efforts initiated under the Hydrology Project Phase-I and the development of the Decision Support System proposed under Hydrology Project Phase-II are expected to bridge some of the gaps between the developed advanced technologies of water resources planning, designing and management and their field applications. This paper presents availability and demands of water resources in India, as well as describes the various issues and strategies for developing a holistic approach for sustainable development and management of the water resources of the country. It also highlights the integration of the blue and green flows and concepts of virtual water transfer for sustainable management of the water resources to meet the demands of the present, without compromising the needs of future generations..
机译:一个国家的水资源是其重要资产之一。印度的年降水量约为4000 km3。印度的降雨显示出非常高的时空变异性,这种情况的矛盾之处在于,在Cherrapunji附近的Mousinram几乎是世界上降雨量最高的国家,每年几乎都在非雨季遭受缺水的困扰。印度河流每年的年平均总流量估计为1953 km3。每年可补充的地下水总量估计为432 km3。印度的年可利用地表水和地下水资源估计分别为每年690 km3和396 km3。随着人口的快速增长和生活水平的提高,对我们水资源的压力越来越大,人均水资源日益减少。由于降水的时空变化,该国面临着水旱综合症的问题。地下水的过度开采导致河流中的低流量减少,地下水资源减少以及沿海地区含水层中的盐水入侵。一些命令地区的过度灌溉导致了涝灾和盐碱化。由于来自点源和非点源的污染物负荷增加,地表和地下水资源的质量也在恶化。预计气候变化将影响降水和水的供应。到目前为止,数据的收集,处理,存储和分发还没有得到足够的重视。水文项目第一阶段发起的努力和水文项目第二阶段提议的决策支持系统的开发有望弥合已开发的水资源规划,设计和管理的先进技术与其现场应用之间的某些差距。本文介绍了印度水资源的可利用性和需求,并描述了开发该国水资源的可持续发展和管理的整体方法的各种问题和策略。它还强调了蓝色和绿色流程的融合以及虚拟水转移的概念,以实现对水资源的可持续管理,以满足当前的需求,而又不损害子孙后代的需求。



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