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From neutrons to neutrinos: On the trail of solar fusion and terrestrial fission


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In December 2002, the Japan-based Kam-ioka Liquid scintillator Anti Neutrino Detector (KamLAND) collaboration announced that its measured rate of anti-neutrino fluxes from fission reactions in nuclear reactors was smaller than theoretically expected. In September 2003, The Canada-based Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) collaboration released its latest data on neutrinos from the sun. They conclude, consistent with their earlier measurement, that the measured solar neutrino flux agrees with that expected from fusion reactions in the sun, calculated using standard solar models. Their data also indicate that neutrinos oscillate on their way from the sun to the earth. Indeed, both the observed KamLAND deficit and the SNO measurements are consistent with the idea of neutrino oscillations. Along with earlier experiments, they provide compelling evidence for new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics.
机译:2002年12月,与日本的Kam-ioka液体闪烁体抗中微子探测器(KamLAND)合作宣布,其在核反应堆中裂变反应产生的抗中微子通量的测量速率小于理论预期。 2003年9月,与加拿大萨德伯里中微子观测所(SNO)的合作发布了有关太阳中微子的最新数据。他们得出结论,与之前的测量结果一致,所测量的太阳中微子通量与使用标准太阳模型计算出的太阳聚变反应所期望的一致。他们的数据还表明,中微子在从太阳到地球的过程中振荡。实际上,观测到的KamLAND缺陷和SNO测量值均与中微子振荡的思想一致。与早期的实验一起,它们为粒子物理学的标准模型之外的新物理学提供了令人信服的证据。



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