首页> 外文期刊>Physics of plasmas >Multimode instability evolution driven by strong, high-energy-density shocks in a rarefaction-reflected geometry

Multimode instability evolution driven by strong, high-energy-density shocks in a rarefaction-reflected geometry


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We present an experiment using lasers to produce a shock pressure of >10 Mbar, which we then use to drive Richtmyer-Meshkov and Rayleigh-Taylor growth at a 2D multimode perturbed interface. Key features of this platform are that we can precisely reproduce the perturbation from iteration to iteration of the experiment, facilitating analysis, and that the lasers allow us to produce very strong shocks, creating a plasma state in the system. We also implement a Bayesian technique to analyze the multimode spectra. This technique enables us to draw quantitative conclusions about the spectrum, even in the presence of significant noise. For instance, we measure the signal contained in the seeded modes over time, as well as the transition of the initial growth rate of these modes into the overall saturation behavior of the spectrum. Published by AIP Publishing.
机译:我们使用激光器提出了一个实验,以产生> 10毫巴的冲击压力,然后我们用来推动Richtmyer-Meshkov和Rayleigh-Taylor在2D多模扰动界面上的增长。 该平台的主要特点是我们可以精确地再现迭代的扰动,以便对实验的迭代,促进分析,并且激光器允许我们产生非常强烈的冲击,在系统中产生等离子体状态。 我们还实现了一种贝叶斯技术来分析多模谱。 这种技术使我们能够利用关于光谱的定量结论,即使在存在显着噪音时也是如此。 例如,我们测量随时间的种子模式中包含的信号,以及这些模式的初始生长速率的转变为频谱的整体饱和行为。 通过AIP发布发布。



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