首页> 外文期刊>Current Science: A Fortnightly Journal of Research >Geochemical evidence for a paired arc-back-arc association in the Neoarchean Gadwal greenstone belt, eastern Dharwar craton, India

Geochemical evidence for a paired arc-back-arc association in the Neoarchean Gadwal greenstone belt, eastern Dharwar craton, India


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Neoarchean Gadwal greenstone belt is situated in the eastern Dharwar craton, southern India. A wellpreserved volcanic sequence which includes a boninite adakite suite and normal tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalt andesite dacite/rhyolite suite occurs in this belt. The focus of this study is the basaltic rocks from Gadwal greenstone belt. Based on their high field strength element and rare earth element (REE) data the basalts have been broadly grouped into two types: type I basalts are characterized by relatively high Nb/Th (5-9.2) and display slightly depleted to flat chondrite normalized REE patterns, whereas type II basalts display light-REE enriched patterns and Nb/Th ratio <4. Both the types display uniform Nb/Y (-0.12) over a narrow range of Zr/Y (<3) ratios, and collectively exhibit negative Nb, Ti and minor Zr anomalies on a primitive mantle normalized trace element variation diagram. Alteration, metamorphism and contamination by assimilation of Archean upper continental crust in the study area can be ruled out as the cause of these anomalies. The incompatible trace element characteristics are consistent with a subduction related intraoceanic-arc setting for these volcanic rocks. The geochemical variations in Gadwal basalts cannot be explained by a two-stage mantle melting model as recently proposed for certain basalts from elsewhere (e.g. Pickle Crow Assemblage, Canada). The geochemical behaviour is attributed to the lateral variation and batch melting of a primitive mantle source involving subduction zone components. The Gadwal data together with recently published data on basaltic rocks from Archean and Phanerozoic subduction regimes have been used to suggest a Neoarchean paired arc back-arc association in the eastern Dharwar craton.
机译:新archeaean Gadwal绿岩带位于印度南部的东部Dharwar克拉通。一条保存完好的火山岩层序包括该邦带的一个adakite套件和正常的钙质至钙碱性的玄武岩和安山岩的辉绿岩/流纹岩套件。这项研究的重点是Gadwal绿岩带的玄武岩。根据其高场强元素和稀土元素(REE)数据,玄武岩大致分为两种类型:I型玄武岩的特征在于相对较高的Nb / Th(5-9.2),并且显示出略微耗尽至扁平球粒陨石归一化REE Ⅱ型玄武岩显示出轻稀土元素富集的格局,Nb / Th比<4。两种类型在窄的Zr / Y(<3)比范围内均显示均匀的Nb / Y(-0.12),并且在原始地幔归一化痕量元素变化图上共同显示负Nb,Ti和次要Zr异常。可以排除研究区太古宙上陆壳同化作用引起的变化,变质作用和污染,这是造成这些异常的原因。这些火山岩的不相容微量元素特征与俯冲有关的洋内弧形环境是一致的。 Gadwal玄武岩的地球化学变化无法用两阶段地幔融化模型来解释,该模型是最近针对其他地方(例如加拿大的Pickle Crow Assemblage)的某些玄武岩提出的。地球化学行为归因于原始俯冲源的俯冲带成分的横向变化和成批融化。 Gadwal数据以及最近发表的有关太古代和幻影俯冲体系的玄武岩的数据已被用来表明东达尔曼克拉通的新太古代成对的弧后弧组合。



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