首页> 外文期刊>Physical Review, A >Transformation properties and entanglement of relativistic qubits under space-time and gauge transformations

Transformation properties and entanglement of relativistic qubits under space-time and gauge transformations


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We revisit the properties of qubits under Lorentz transformations and, by considering Lorentz-invariant quantum states in the Heisenberg formulation, clarify some misleading notation that has appeared in the literature on relativistic quantum information theory.We then use this formulation to consider the transformation properties of qubits and density matrices under space-time and gauge transformations. Finally, we use our results to understand the behavior of entanglement between different partitions of quantum systems. Our approach not only clarifies the notation but provides a more intuitive and simple way of gaining insight into the behavior of relativistic qubits. In particular, it allows us to greatly generalize the results in the current literature, as well as substantially simplifying the calculations that are needed.
机译:我们重新审视Lorentz转换下的Qubits的性质,并且通过考虑Heisenberg制剂中的Lorentz-Funiantulum状态,阐明了一些误导性的符号,这些误标注值在文献中出现了相对论的量子信息理论。我们使用该配方来考虑转换性质 时空和仪表变换下的Qubits和密度矩阵。 最后,我们使用我们的结果了解量子系统不同分区之间的纠缠的行为。 我们的方法不仅阐明了符号,而且提供了更直观和简单的方式,可以获得对相对论Qubits的行为的洞察力。 特别地,它允许我们大大概括当前文献中的结果,以及基本上简化所需的计算。



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