首页> 外文期刊>Physical Review, A >Probing multirescattering dynamics and electron quantum paths for below- and near-threshold harmonic generation of H2 in an intense laser field

Probing multirescattering dynamics and electron quantum paths for below- and near-threshold harmonic generation of H2 in an intense laser field


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Most previous studies of high-order-harmonic generation have focused on the regime beyond the ionization threshold; the dynamical origin of below- and near-threshold harmonics, particularly for the molecular systems, is less understood and largely unexplored. Here, we report a self-interaction free time-dependent density-functionaltheory study along with an extended semiclassical study for the nonperturbative probing of the dynamical origin of below- and near-threshold harmonic generation of the H_2 molecule in an intense near-infrared laser field. Our approach allows an accurate study of the electron trajectories as a function of energy, time, and position for below-, near-, and above-threshold harmonics for electrons departing initially from each of the individual hydrogen cores of the H_2 molecule. We discover that short trajectories are multiphoton dominated and can have multiple returns for below-threshold harmonics, and excited-state resonances can have significant effects on the generation of neighboring below-threshold harmonics. Furthermore, we find that the electron dynamics for below-threshold long, short, and resonant trajectories differ greatly depending upon which hydrogen core (left or right) the electron was released from initially. An intuitive and appealing picture of near- and below-threshold harmonic generation discovered in our study can give guidance to future experiments in this forefront area of ultrafast atomic, molecular, and optical physics.



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