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The looming challenge of the mixed marketplace for tobacco products


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Throughout the world, as use of manufactured cigarettes has dropped, the tobacco industry has taken steps to diversify its product offerings with the overall goal of assuring a steady market of nicotine-addicted people. In the United States, the industry has a long history of developing and testing alternative products that deliver nicotine, but can be marketed as having possibly lesser risk than conventional cigarettes. 'Premiere', developed and test-marketed by Philip Morris is an early example - a product that did not directly combust tobacco so that side-stream smoke emissions were reduced. More recently, other similar products have been developed and the industry is moving aggressively to bring snus, the oral moist product from Sweden into the marketplace as well. The availability of multiple tobacco products complicates tobacco control as oral products offer an alternative to cigarettes for maintained nicotine dosing in environments where smoking is not allowed and taxation strategies need to be developed with consideration of the range of products available. Additionally, a divisive debate around 'harm reduction' has arisen and laboratory-testing strategies for predicting the potential risks of new products with certainty are still undeveloped.
机译:在全世界范围内,随着人造卷烟使用量的减少,烟草业已采取措施使其产品种类多样化,以确保尼古丁成瘾者的市场稳定为总体目标。在美国,该行业开发和测试可输送尼古丁的替代产品的历史由来已久,但由于其风险可能比传统卷烟低,因此可以在市场上销售。菲利普·莫里斯(Philip Morris)开发和试销的“ Premiere”是一个较早的例子-该产品不直接燃烧烟草,因此减少了侧流烟气的排放。最近,还开发了其他类似产品,并且该行业正积极地将瑞典鼻腔湿产品鼻烟也推向市场。多种烟草产品的可用性使烟草控制变得复杂,因为在不允许吸烟且需要考虑可用产品范围的情况下制定税收策略的环境中,口服产品可替代香烟以保持尼古丁剂量。此外,围绕“减少危害”的争论已经展开,用于确定性地预测新产品潜在风险的实验室测试策略仍未开发。



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