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Dipole-dipole resonance line shapes in a cold Rydberg gas


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We have explored the dipole-dipole mediated, resonant energy transfer reaction, 32p(3/2) + 32p(3/2) -> 32s + 33s, in an ensemble of cold Rb-85 Rydberg atoms. Stark tuning is employed to measure the population transfer probability as a function of the total electronic energy difference between the initial and final atom-pair states over a range of Rydberg densities, 2 x 10(8) <= rho <= 3 x 10(9) cm(-3). The observed line shapes provide information on the role of beyond nearest-neighbor interactions, the range of Rydberg atom separations, and the electric field inhomogeneity in the sample. The widths of the resonance line shapes increase approximately linearly with the Rydberg density and are only a factor of 2 larger than expected for two-body, nearest-neighbor interactions alone. These results are in agreement with the prediction [B. Sun and F. Robicheaux, Phys. Rev. A 78, 040701(R) (2008)] that beyond nearest-neighbor exchange interactions should not influence the population transfer process to the degree once thought. At low densities, Gaussian rather than Lorentzian line shapes are observed due to electric field inhomogeneities, allowing us to set an upper limit for the field variation across the Rydberg sample. At higher densities, non-Lorentzian, cusplike line shapes characterized by sharp central peaks and broad wings reflect the random distribution of interatomic distances within the magneto-optical trap (MOT). These line shapes are well reproduced by an analytic expression derived from a nearest-neighbor interaction model and may serve as a useful fingerprint for characterizing the position correlation function for atoms within the MOT.
机译:我们探索了偶极 - 偶极介导的共振能量转移反应,32P(3/2)+ 32P(3/2) - > 32S + 33s,在冷RB-85雷德伯格原子的集合中。采用STARK调谐来测量初始和最终原子对源之间的总电子能量差的函数的群体转移概率在rydberg密度范围内,2×10(8)<= rho <= 3×10( 9)cm(-3)。观察到的线形状提供了关于超出最近邻相互作用的作用的信息,Rydberg原子分离的范围以及样品中的电场不均匀性。谐振线形状的宽度随着梁伯格密度大致线性而增加,并且仅单独地,仅比预期的2倍。这些结果与预测一致[B。 Sun和F. Robicheaux,Phy。 Rev. A 78,040701(R)(2008)]超越最近邻的交换互动,不应影响人口转移过程一旦思考的程度。在低密度下,由于电场不均匀性,观察高斯而不是Lorentzian线形状,允许我们为rydberg样本中的场变化设定上限。在更高的密度下,非洛伦兹,由尖锐的中央峰和宽翼的特征在于,反映了磁光阱(MOT)内的内部距离的随机分布。这些线形状由来自最近邻相交模型的分析表达式良好再现,并且可以用作用于表征MOT内原子的位置相关函数的有用指纹。



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