首页> 外文期刊>Physics Letters, B. Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics >Transverse momentum spectra and nuclear modification factors of charged particles in Xe-Xe collisions at root s(NN)=5.44 TeV

Transverse momentum spectra and nuclear modification factors of charged particles in Xe-Xe collisions at root s(NN)=5.44 TeV

机译:横向动量谱和根部XE-XE碰撞中带电粒子的核改性因子(NN)= 5.44 TEV

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Transverse momentum (p(T)) spectra of charged particles at mid-pseudorapidity in Xe-Xe collisions at root s(NN) = 5.44 TeV measured with the ALICE apparatus at the Large Hadron Collider are reported. The kinematic range 0.15 < p(T) < 50 GeV/c and vertical bar eta vertical bar < 0.8 is covered. Results are presented in nine classes of collision centrality in the 0-80% range. For comparison, a pp reference at the collision energy of root s = 5.44 TeV is obtained by interpolating between existing pp measurements at root s= 5.02 and 7 TeV. The nuclear modification factors in central Xe-Xe collisions and Pb-Pb collisions at a similar center-of-mass energy of root s(NN) = 5.02 TeV, and in addition at 2.76 TeV, at analogous ranges of charged particle multiplicity density < dN(ch)/d eta > show a remarkable similarity at p T > 10 GeV/c. The centrality dependence of the ratio of the average transverse momentum < PT > in Xe-Xe collisions over Pb-Pb collision at root s= 5.02 TeV is compared to hydrodynamical model calculations. (C) 2018 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:报道了在根S(NN)= 5.44 Tev中的XE-XE碰撞中的带电粒子的横向动量(P(t))光谱,并在大的HADRON撞机处测量。覆盖运动范围0.15 在P T> 10 GEV / C时显示出显着的相似性。将XE-XE碰撞中的平均横向动量t>与根S = 5.02 TEV的PB-PB碰撞中的平均横向动量t>比率的中心依赖性与流体动力学模型计算进行比较。 (c)2018年作者。由elsevier b.v出版。


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    Acharya S.; Acosta F. T.; Adamova D.; Adolfsson J.; Aggarwal M. M.; Rinella G. Aglieri; Agnello M.; Agrawal N.; Ahammed Z.; Ahn S. U.; Aiola S.; Akindinov A.; Al-Turany M.; Alam S. N.; Albuquerque D. S. D.; Aleksandrov D.; Alessandro B.; Alfaro Molina R.; Ali Y.; Alici A.; Alkin A.; Alme J.; Alt T.; Altenkamper L.; Altsybeev I.; Andrei C.; Andreou D.; Andrews H. A.; Andronic A.; Angeletti M.; Anguelov V.; Anson C.; Anticic T.; Antinori F.; Antonioli P.; Anwar R.; Apadula N.; Aphecetche L.; Appelshaeuser H.; Arcelli S.; Arnaldi R.; Arnold O. W.; Arsene I. C.; Arslandok M.; Audurier B.; Augustinus A.; Averbeck R.; Azmi M. D.; Badala A.; Baek Y. W.; Bagnasco S.; Bailhache R.; Bala R.; Baldisseri A.; Ball M.; Baral R. C.; Barbano A. M.; Barbera R.; Barile F.; Barioglio L.; Barnafoldi G. G.; Barnby L. S.; Barret V.; Bartalini P.; Barth K.; Bartsch E.; Bastid N.; Basu S.; Batigne G.; Batyunya B.; Batzing P. C.; Bazo Alba J. L.; Bearden I. G.; Beck H.; Bedda C.; Behera N. K.; Belikov I.; Bellini F.; Bello Martinez H.; Bellwied R.; Beltran L. G. E.; Belyaev V.; Bencedi G.; Beole S.; Bercuci A.; Berdnikov Y.; Berenyi D.; Bertens R. A.; Berzano D.; Betev L.; Bhaduri P. P.; Bhasin A.; Bhat I. R.; Bhatt H.; Bhattacharjee B.; Bhom J.; Bianchi A.; Bianchi L.; Bianchi N.; Bielcik J.; Bielcikova J.; Bilandzic A.; Biro G.; Biswas R.; Biswas S.; Blair J. T.; Blau D.; Blume C.; Boca G.; Bock F.; Bogdanov A.; Boldizsar L.; Bombara M.; Bonomi G.; Bonora M.; Borel H.; Borissov A.; Borri M.; Botta E.; Bourjau C.; Bratrud L.; Braun-Munzinger P.; Bregant M.; Broker T. A.; Broz M.; Brucken E. J.; Bruna E.; Bruno G. E.; Budnikov D.; Buesching H.; Bufalino S.; Buhler P.; Buncic P.; Busch O.; Buthelezi Z.; Butt J. B.; Buxton J. T.; Cabala J.; Caffarri D.; Caines H.; Caliva A.; Villar E. Calvo; Camacho R. S.; Camerini P.; Capon A. A.; Carena F.; Carena W.; Carnesecchi F.; Castellanos J. Castillo; Castro A. J.; Casula E. A. R.; Ceballos Sanchez C.; Chandra S.; Chang B.; Chang W.; Chapeland S.; Chartier M.; Chattopadhyay S.; Chauvin A.; Cheshkov C.; Cheynis B.; Barroso V. Chibante; Chinellato D. D.; Cho S.; Chochula P.; Chowdhury T.; Christakoglou P.; Christensen C. H.; Christiansen P.; Chujo T.; Chung S. U.; Cicalo C.; Cifarelli L.; Cindolo F.; Cleymans J.; Colamaria F.; Colella D.; Collu A.; Colocci M.; Concas M.; Balbastre G. Conesa; del Valle Z. Conesa; Contreras J. G.; Cormier T. M.; Morales Y. Corrales; Cortese P.; Cosentino M. R.; Costa F.; Costanza S.; Crkovska J.; Crochet P.; Cuautle E.; Cunqueiro L.; Dahms T.; Dainese A.; Danisch M. C.; Danu A.; Das D.; Das I.; Das S.; Dash A.; Dash S.; De S.; De Caro A.; de Cataldo G.; de Conti C.; de Cuveland J.; De Falco A.; De Gruttola D.; De Marco N.; De Pasquale S.; De Souza R. D.; Degenhardt H. F.; Deisting A.; Deloff A.; Delsanto S.; Deplano C.; Dhankher P.; Di Bari D.; Di Mauro A.; Di Ruzza B.; Diaz R. A.; Dietel T.; Dillenseger P.; Ding Y.; Divia R.; Djuvsland O.; Dobrin A.; Domenicis Gimenez D.; Donigus B.; Dordic O.; Doremalen L. V. R.; Dubey A. K.; Dubla A.; Ducroux L.; Dudi S.; Duggal A. K.; Dukhishyam M.; Dupieux P.; Ehlers R. J.; Elia D.; Endress E.; Engel H.; Epple E.; Erazmus B.; Erhardt F.; Ersdal M. R.; Espagnon B.; Eulisse G.; Eum J.; Evans D.; Evdokimov S.; Fabbietti L.; Faggin M.; Faivre J.; Fantoni A.; Fasel M.; Feldkamp L.; Feliciello A.; Feofilov G.; Fernandez Tellez A.; Ferretti A.; Festanti A.; Feuillard V. J. G.; Figiel J.; Figueredo M. A. S.; Filchagin S.; Finogeev D.; Fionda F. M.; Fiorenza G.; Floris M.; Foertsch S.; Foka P.; Fokin S.; Fragiacomo E.; Francescon A.; Francisco A.; Frankenfeld U.; Fronze G. G.; Fuchs U.; Furget C.; Furs A.; Girard M. Fusco; Gaardhoje J. J.; Gagliardi M.; Gago A. M.; Gajdosova K.; Gallio M.; Galvan C. D.; Ganoti P.; Garabatos C.; Garcia-Solis E.; Garg K.; Gargiulo C.; Gasik P.; Gauger E. F.; Gay Ducati M. B.; Germain M.; Ghosh J.; Ghosh P.; Ghosh S. K.; Gianotti P.; Giubellino P.; Giubilato P.; Glaessel P.; Gomez Coral D. M.; Ramirez A. Gomez; Gonzalez V.; Gonzalez-Zamora P.; Gorbunov S.; Gorlich L.; Gotovac S.; Grabski V.; Graczykowski L. K.; Graham K. L.; Greiner L.; Grelli A.; Grigoras C.; Grigoriev V.; Grigoryan A.; Grigoryan S.; Gronefeld J. M.; Grosa F.; Grosse-Oetringhaus J. F.; Grosso R.; Guernane R.; Guerzoni B.; Guittiere M.; Gulbrandsen K.; Gunji T.; Gupta A.; Gupta R.; Guzman I. B.; Haake R.; Habib M. K.; Hadjidakis C.; Hamagaki H.; Hamar G.; Hamon J. C.; Hannigan R.; Haque M. R.; Harris J. W.; Harton A.; Hassan H.; Hatzifotiadou D.; Hayashi S.; Heckel S. T.; Hellbaer E.; Helstrup H.; Herghelegiu A.; Hernandez E. G.; Herrera Corral G.; Herrmann F.; Hetland K. F.; Hilden T. E.; Hillemanns H.; Hills C.; Hippolyte B.; Hohlweger B.; Horak D.; Hornung S.; Hosokawa R.; Hristov P.; Huang C.; Hughes C.; Huhn P.; Humanic T. J.; Hushnud H.; Hussain N.; Hussain T.; Hutter D.; Hwang D. S.; Iddon J. P.; Iga Buitron S. A.; Ilkaev R.; Inaba M.; Ippolitov M.; Islam M. S.; Ivanov M.; Ivanov V.; Izucheev V.; Jacak B.; Jacazio N.; Jacobs P. M.; Jadhav M. B.; Jadlovska S.; Jadlovsky J.; Jaelani S.; Jahnke C.; Jakubowska M. J.; Janik M. A.; Jena C.; Jercic M.; Bustamante R. T. Jimenez; Jin M.; Jones P. G.; Jusko A.; Kalinak P.; Kalweit A.; Kang J. H.; Kaplin V.; Kar S.; Uysal A. Karasu; Karavichev O.; Karavicheva T.; Karczmarczyk P.; Karpechev E.; Kebschull U.; Keidel R.; Keijdener D. L. D.; Keil M.; Ketzer B.; Khabanova Z.; Khan S.; Khan S. A.; Khanzadeev A.; Kharlov Y.; Khatun A.; Khuntia A.; Kielbowicz M. M.; Kileng B.; Kim B.; Kim D.; Kim D. J.; Kim E. J.; Kim H.; Kim J. S.; Kim J.; Kim M.; Kim S.; Kim T.; Kirsch S.; Kisel I.; Kiselev S.; Kisiel A.; Klay J. L.; Klein C.; Klein J.; Klein-Boesing C.; Klewin S.; Kluge A.; Knichel M. L.; Knospe A. G.; Kobdaj C.; Kofarago M.; Koehler M. K.; Kollegger T.; Kondratyeva N.; Kondratyuk E.; Konevskikh A.; Konyushikhin M.; Kovalenko O.; Kovalenko V.; Kowalski M.; Kralik I.; Kravcakova A.; Kreis L.; Krivda M.; Krizek F.; Kruger M.; Kryshen E.; Krzewicki M.; Kubera A. M.; Kucera V.; Kuhn C.; Kuijer P. G.; Kumar J.; Kumar L.; Kumar S.; Kundu S.; Kurashvili P.; Kurepin A.; Kurepin A. B.; Kuryakin A.; Kushpil S.; Kweon M. J.; Kwon Y.; La Pointe S. L.; La Rocca P.; Lai Y. S.; Lakomov I.; Langoy R.; Lapidus K.; Lara C.; Lardeux A.; Larionov P.; Laudi E.; Lavicka R.; Lea R.; Leardini L.; Lee S.; Lehas F.; Lehner S.; Lehrbach J.; Lemmon R. C.; Leogrande E.; Leon Monzon I.; Levai P.; Li X.; Li X. L.; Lien J.; Lietava R.; Lim B.; Lindal S.; Lindenstruth V.; Lindsay S. W.; Lippmann C.; Lisa M. A.; Litichevskyi V.; Liu A.; Ljunggren H. M.; Llope W. J.; Lodato D. F.; Loginov V.; Loizides C.; Loncar P.; Lopez X.; Lopez Torres E.; Lowe A.; Luettig P.; Luhder J. R.; Lunardon M.; Luparello G.; Lupi M.; Maevskaya A.; Mager M.; Mahmood S. M.; Maire A.; Majka R. D.; Malaev M.; Malik Q. W.; Malinina L.; MalKevich D.; Malzacher P.; Mamonov A.; Manko V.; Manso F.; Manzari V.; Mao Y.; Marchisone M.; Mares J.; Margagliotti G. V.; Margotti A.; Margutti J.; Marin A.; Martinengo P.; Martinez M. I.; Garcia G. Martinez; Pedreira M. Martinez; Masciocchi S.; Masera M.; Masoni A.; Massacrier L.; Masson E.; Mastroserio A.; Mathis A. M.; Matuoka P. F. T.; Matyja A.; Mayer C.; Mazzilli M.; Mazzoni M. A.; Meddi F.; Melikyan Y.; Menchaca-Rocha A.; Meninno E.; Perez J. Mercado; Meres M.; Meza C. S.; Mhlanga S.; Miake Y.; Micheletti L.; Mieskolainen M. M.; Mihaylov D. L.; Mikhaylov K.; Mischke A.; Mishra A. N.; Miskowiec D.; Mitra J.; Mitu C. M.; Mohammadi N.; Mohanty A. P.; Mohanty B.; Khan M. Mohisin; De Godoy D. A. Moreira; Moreno L. A. P.; Moretto S.; Morreale A.; Morsch A.; Muccifora V.; Mudnic E.; Muehlheim D.; Muhuri S.; Mukherjee M.; Mulligan J. D.; Munhoz M. G.; Munning K.; Munoz M. I. A.; Munzer R. H.; Murakami H.; Murray S.; Musa L.; Musinsky J.; Myers C. J.; Myrcha J. W.; Naik B.; Nair R.; Nandi B. K.; Nania R.; Nappi E.; Narayan A.; Naru M. U.; Nassirpour A. F.; Natal da Luz H.; Nattrass C.; Navarro S. R.; Nayak K.; Nayak R.; Nayak T. K.; Nazarenko S.; De Oliveira R. A. Negrao; Nellen L.; Nesbo S. V.; Neskovic G.; Ng F.; Nicassio M.; Niedziela J.; Nielsen B. S.; Nikolaev S.; Nikulin S.; Nikulin V.; Noferini F.; Nomokonov P.; Nooren G.; Noris J. C. C.; Norman J.; Nyanin A.; Nystrand J.; Oh H.; Ohlson A.; Oleniacz J.; Oliveira Da Silva A. C.; Oliver M. H.; Onderwaater J.; Oppedisano C.; Orava R.; Oravec M.; Ortiz Velasquez A.; Oskarsson A.; Otwinowski J.; Oyama K.; Pachmayer Y.; Pacik V.; Pagano D.; Paic G.; Palni P.; Pan J.; Pandey A. K.; Panebianco S.; Papikyan V.; Pareek P.; Park J.; Parkkila J. E.; Parmar S.; Passfeld A.; Pathak S. P.; Patra R. N.; Paul B.; Pei H.; Peitzmann T.; Peng X.; Pereira L. G.; Da Costa H. Pereira; Peresunko D.; Perez Lezama E.; Peskov V.; Pestov Y.; Petracek V.; Petrovici M.; Petta C.; Pezzi R. P.; Piano S.; Pikna M.; Pillot P.; Pimentel L. O. D. L.; Pinazza O.; Pinsky L.; Pisano S.; Piyarathna D. B.; Ploskon M.; Planinic M.; Pliquett F.; Pluta J.; Pochybova S.; Podesta-Lerma P. L. M.; Poghosyan M. G.; Polichtchouk B.; Poljak N.; Poonsawat W.; Pop A.; Poppenborg H.; Porteboeuf-Houssais S.; Pozdniakov V.; Prasad S. K.; Preghenella R.; Prino F.; Pruneau C. A.; Pshenichnov I.; Puccio M.; Punin V.; Putschke J.; Raha S.; Rajput S.; Rak J.; Rakotozafindrabe A.; Ramello L.; Rami F.; Raniwala R.; Raniwala S.; Rasanen S. S.; Rascanu B. T.; Ratza V.; Ravasenga I.; Read K. F.; Redlich K.; Rehman A.; Reichelt P.; Reidt F.; Ren X.; Renfordt R.; Reshetin A.; Revol J. -P.; Reygers K.; Riabov V.; Richert T.; Richter M.; Riedler P.; Riegler W.; Riggi F.; Ristea C.; Rode S. P.; Rodriguez Cahuantzi M.; Roed K.; Rogalev R.; Rogochaya E.; Rohr D.; Rohrich D.; Rokita P. S.; Ronchetti F.; Rosas E. D.; Roslon K.; Rosnet P.; Rossi A.; Rotondi A.; Roukoutakis F.; Roy C.; Roy P.; Rueda O. V.; Rui R.; Rumyantsev B.; Rustamov A.; Ryabinkin E.; Ryabov Y.; Rybicki A.; Saarinen S.; Sadhu S.; Sadovsky S.; Safarik K.; Saha S. K.; Sahoo B.; Sahoo P.; Sahoo R.; Sahoo S.; Sahu P. K.; Saini J.; Sakai S.; Saleh M. A.; Sambyal S.; Samsonov V.; Sandoval A.; Sarkar A.; Sarkar D.; Sarkar N.; Sarma P.; Sas M. H. P.; Scapparone E.; Scarlassara F.; Schaefer B.; Scheid H. S.; Schiaua C.; Schicker R.; Schmidt C.; Schmidt H. R.; Schmidt M. O.; Schmidt M.; Schmidt N. V.; Schukraft J.; Schutz Y.; Schwarz K.; Schweda K.; Scioli G.; Scomparin E.; Sefcik M.; Seger J. E.; Sekiguchi Y.; Sekihata D.; Selyuzhenkov I.; Senosi K.; Senyukov S.; Serradilla E.; Sett P.; Sevcenco A.; Shabanov A.; Shabetai A.; Shahoyan R.; Shaikh W.; Shangaraev A.; Sharma A.; Sharma M.; Sharma N.; Sheikh A. I.; Shigaki K.; Shimomura M.; Shirinkin S.; Shou Q.; Shtejer K.; Sibiriak Y.; Siddhanta S.; Sielewicz K. M.; Siemiarczuk T.; Silvermyr D.; Simatovic G.; Simonetti G.; Singaraju R.; Singh R.; Singhal V.; Sinha T.; Sitar B.; Sitta M.; Skaali T. B.; Slupecki M.; Smirnov N.; Snellings R. J. M.; Snellman T. W.; Song J.; Soramel F.; Sorensen S.; Sozzi F.; Sputowska I.; Stachel J.; Stan I.; Stankus P.; Stenlund E.; Stocco D.; Storetvedt M. M.; Strmen P.; Suaide A. A. P.; Sugitate T.; Suire C.; Suleymanov M.; Suljic M.; Sultanov R.; Sumbera M.; Sumowidagdo S.; Suzuki K.; Swain S.; Szabo A.; Szarka I.; Tabassam U.; Takahashi J.; Tambave G. J.; Tanaka N.; Tarhini M.; Tariq M.; Tarzila M. G.; Tauro A.; Tejeda Munoz G.; Telesca A.; Terrevoli C.; Teyssier B.; Thakur D.; Thakur S.; Thomas D.; Thoresen F.; Tieulent R.; Tikhonov A.; Timmins A. R.; Toia A.; Topilskaya N.; Toppi M.; Torres S. R.; Tripathy S.; Trogolo S.; Trombetta G.; Tropp L.; Trubnikov V.; Trzaska W. H.; Trzcinski T. P.; Trzeciak B. A.; Tsuji T.; Tumkin A.; Turrisi R.; Tveter T. S.; Ullaland K.; Umaka E. N.; Uras A.; Usai G. L.; Utrobicic A.; Vala M.; Van Hoorne J. W.; van Leeuwen M.; Vande Vyvre P.; Varga D.; Vargas A.; Vargyas M.; Varma R.; Vasileiou M.; Vasiliev A.; Vauthier A.; Doce O. Vazquez; Vechernin V.; Veen A. M.; Vercellin E.; Vergara Limon S.; Vermunt L.; Vernet R.; Vertesi R.; Vickovic L.; Viinikainen J.; Vilakazi Z.; Baillie O. Villalobos; Villatoro Tello A.; Vinogradov A.; Virgili T.; Vislavicius V.; Vodopyanov A.; Voelkl M. A.; Voloshin K.; Voloshin S. A.; Volpe G.; von Haller B.; Vorobyev I.; Voscek D.; Vranic D.; Vrlakova J.; Wagner B.; Wang H.; Wang M.; Watanabe Y.; Weber M.; Weber S. G.; Wegrzynek A.; Weiser D. F.; Wenzel S. C.; Wessels J. P.; Westerhoff U.; Whitehead A. M.; Wiechula J.; Wikne J.; Wilk G.; Wilkinson J.; Willems G. A.; Williams M. C. S.; Willsher E.; Windelband B.; Witt W. E.; Xu R.; Yalcin S.; Yamakawa K.; Yano S.; Yin Z.; Yokoyama H.; Yoo I. K.; Yoon J. H.; Yurchenko V.; Zaccolo V.; Zaman A.; Zampolli C.; Zanoli H. J. C.; Zardoshti N.; Zarochentsev A.; Zavada P.; Zaviyalov N.; Zbroszczyk H.; Zhalov M.; Zhang X.; Zhang Y.; Zhang Z.; Zhao C.; Zherebchevskii V.; Zhigareva N.; Zhou D.; Zhou Y.; Zhou Z.; Zhu H.; Zhu J.; Zhu Y.; Zichichi A.; Zimmermann M. B.; Zinovjev G.; Zmeskal J.; Zou S.;

  • 作者单位

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Univ Calif Berkeley Dept Phys Berkeley CA 94720 USA;

    Czech Acad Sci Nucl Phys Inst Prague Czech Republic;

    Lund Univ Dept Phys Div Particle Phys Lund Sweden;

    Panjab Univ Phys Dept Chandigarh India;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Dipartimento DISAT Politecn &

    Sez INFN Turin Italy;

    Indian Inst Technol Bombay IIT Bombay Maharashtra India;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Korea Inst Sci &

    Technol Informat Daejeon South Korea;

    Yale Univ New Haven CT USA;

    Inst Theoret &

    Expt Phys Moscow Russia;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Univ Estadual Campinas UNICAMP Campinas SP Brazil;

    Kurchatov Inst Natl Res Ctr Moscow Russia;

    INFN Sez Turin Turin Italy;

    Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico Inst Fis Mexico City DF Mexico;

    COMSATS Inst Informat Technol CIIT Islamabad Pakistan;

    Museo Stor Fis &

    Ctr Studi &

    Ric Enrico Fermi Ctr Fermi Rome Italy;

    Natl Acad Sci Ukraine Bogolyubov Inst Theoret Phys Kiev Ukraine;

    Univ Bergen Dept Phys &

    Technol Bergen Norway;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Univ Bergen Dept Phys &

    Technol Bergen Norway;

    St Petersburg State Univ V Fock Inst Phys St Petersburg Russia;

    Horia Hulubei Natl Inst Phys &

    Nucl Engn Bucharest Romania;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Birmingham Sch Phys &

    Astron Birmingham W Midlands England;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    Creighton Univ Omaha NE 68178 USA;

    Rudjer Boskovic Inst Zagreb Croatia;

    INFN Sez Padova Padua Italy;

    INFN Sez Bologna Bologna Italy;

    Univ Houston Houston TX USA;

    Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Berkeley CA USA;

    Univ Nantes CNRS IN2P3 SUBATECH IMT Atlantique Nantes France;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Univ Bologna Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Bologna Italy;

    INFN Sez Turin Turin Italy;

    Tech Univ Munich Phys Dept Munich Germany;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    Univ Nantes CNRS IN2P3 SUBATECH IMT Atlantique Nantes France;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Aligarh Muslim Univ Dept Phys Aligarh Uttar Pradesh India;

    INFN Sez Catania Catania Italy;

    Gangneung Wonju Natl Univ Kangnung South Korea;

    INFN Sez Turin Turin Italy;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Univ Jammu Phys Dept Jammu India;

    Univ Paris Saclay CEA Dept Phys Nucl DPhN IRFU Saclay France;

    Rhein Friedrich Wilhelms Univ Bonn Helmholtz Inst Strahlen &

    Kernphys Bonn Germany;

    HBNI Natl Inst Sci Educ &

    Res Jatni India;

    Univ Turin Dipartimento Fis Turin Italy;

    Univ Catania Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Catania Italy;

    INFN Sez Bari Bari Italy;

    Univ Turin Dipartimento Fis Turin Italy;

    Hungarian Acad Sci Wigner Res Ctr Phys Budapest Hungary;

    STFC Daresbury Lab Nucl Phys Grp Daresbury England;

    Univ Clermont Auvergne CNRS IN2P3 LPC Clermont Ferrand France;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Univ Clermont Auvergne CNRS IN2P3 LPC Clermont Ferrand France;

    Wayne State Univ Detroit MI USA;

    Univ Nantes CNRS IN2P3 SUBATECH IMT Atlantique Nantes France;

    JINR Dubna Russia;

    Pontificia Univ Catolica Peru Dept Ciencias Secc Fis Lima Peru;

    Univ Copenhagen Niels Bohr Inst Copenhagen Denmark;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    Inha Univ Incheon South Korea;

    Univ Strasbourg CNRS UMR 7178 IPHC Strasbourg France;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla Puebla Mexico;

    Univ Houston Houston TX USA;

    Univ Autonoma Sinaloa Culiacan Mexico;

    Moscow Engn Phys Inst NRNU Moscow Russia;

    Hungarian Acad Sci Wigner Res Ctr Phys Budapest Hungary;

    Univ Turin Dipartimento Fis Turin Italy;

    Horia Hulubei Natl Inst Phys &

    Nucl Engn Bucharest Romania;

    Petersburg Nucl Phys Inst Gatchina Russia;

    Hungarian Acad Sci Wigner Res Ctr Phys Budapest Hungary;

    Univ Tennessee Knoxville TN USA;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Univ Jammu Phys Dept Jammu India;

    Univ Jammu Phys Dept Jammu India;

    Indian Inst Technol Bombay IIT Bombay Maharashtra India;

    Gauhati Univ Dept Phys Gauhati India;

    Polish Acad Sci Henryk Niewodniczanski Inst Nucl Phys Krakow Poland;

    Univ Turin Dipartimento Fis Turin Italy;

    Univ Houston Houston TX USA;

    INFN Lab Nazl Frascati Frascati Italy;

    Czech Tech Univ Fac Nucl Sci &

    Phys Engn Prague Czech Republic;

    Czech Acad Sci Nucl Phys Inst Prague Czech Republic;

    Tech Univ Munich Phys Dept Munich Germany;

    Hungarian Acad Sci Wigner Res Ctr Phys Budapest Hungary;

    Bose Inst Dept Phys Kolkata India;

    Bose Inst Dept Phys Kolkata India;

    Univ Texas Austin Austin TX 78712 USA;

    Kurchatov Inst Natl Res Ctr Moscow Russia;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Univ Pavia Pavia Italy;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Moscow Engn Phys Inst NRNU Moscow Russia;

    Hungarian Acad Sci Wigner Res Ctr Phys Budapest Hungary;

    Safarik Univ Fac Sci Kosice Slovakia;

    Univ Brescia Brescia Italy;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Paris Saclay CEA Dept Phys Nucl DPhN IRFU Saclay France;

    Pusan Natl Univ Dept Phys Pusan South Korea;

    Univ Liverpool Oliver Lodge Lab Dept Phys Liverpool Merseyside England;

    Univ Turin Dipartimento Fis Turin Italy;

    Univ Copenhagen Niels Bohr Inst Copenhagen Denmark;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Univ Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Czech Tech Univ Fac Nucl Sci &

    Phys Engn Prague Czech Republic;

    HIP Helsinki Finland;

    INFN Sez Turin Turin Italy;

    Dipartimento Interateneo Fis M Merlin &

    Sez INFN Bari Italy;

    Russian Fed Nucl Ctr VNIIEF Sarov Russia;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Dipartimento DISAT Politecn &

    Sez INFN Turin Italy;

    Stefan Meyer Inst Subatomare Phys SMI Vienna Austria;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Tsukuba Tsukuba Ibaraki Japan;

    Natl Res Fdn iThemba LABS Somerset West South Africa;

    COMSATS Inst Informat Technol CIIT Islamabad Pakistan;

    Ohio State Univ Dept Phys 174 W 18th Ave Columbus OH 43210 USA;

    Tech Univ Kosice Kosice Slovakia;

    Nikhef Natl Inst Subat Phys Amsterdam Netherlands;

    Yale Univ New Haven CT USA;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Pontificia Univ Catolica Peru Dept Ciencias Secc Fis Lima Peru;

    Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla Puebla Mexico;

    Univ Trieste Dipartimento Fis Trieste Italy;

    Stefan Meyer Inst Subatomare Phys SMI Vienna Austria;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Museo Stor Fis &

    Ctr Studi &

    Ric Enrico Fermi Ctr Fermi Rome Italy;

    Univ Paris Saclay CEA Dept Phys Nucl DPhN IRFU Saclay France;

    Univ Tennessee Knoxville TN USA;

    INFN Sez Cagliari Cagliari Italy;

    Ctr Aplicac Tecnol &

    Desarrollo Nucl CEADEN Havana Cuba;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Univ Jyvaskyla Jyvaskyla Finland;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Liverpool Oliver Lodge Lab Dept Phys Liverpool Merseyside England;

    Saha Inst Nucl Phys Kolkata India;

    Tech Univ Munich Phys Dept Munich Germany;

    Univ Lyon 1 Univ Lyon CNRS IN2P3 IPN Lyon Lyon France;

    Univ Lyon 1 Univ Lyon CNRS IN2P3 IPN Lyon Lyon France;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Estadual Campinas UNICAMP Campinas SP Brazil;

    Inha Univ Incheon South Korea;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Clermont Auvergne CNRS IN2P3 LPC Clermont Ferrand France;

    Nikhef Natl Inst Subat Phys Amsterdam Netherlands;

    Univ Copenhagen Niels Bohr Inst Copenhagen Denmark;

    Lund Univ Dept Phys Div Particle Phys Lund Sweden;

    Univ Tsukuba Tsukuba Ibaraki Japan;

    Pusan Natl Univ Dept Phys Pusan South Korea;

    INFN Sez Cagliari Cagliari Italy;

    Museo Stor Fis &

    Ctr Studi &

    Ric Enrico Fermi Ctr Fermi Rome Italy;

    INFN Sez Bologna Bologna Italy;

    Univ Cape Town Cape Town South Africa;

    INFN Sez Bari Bari Italy;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Berkeley CA USA;

    Univ Bologna Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Bologna Italy;

    INFN Sez Turin Turin Italy;

    Univ Grenoble Alpes CNRS IN2P3 Lab Phys Subatom &

    Cosmol Grenoble France;

    Univ Paris Saclay Univ Paris Sud Inst Natl Phys Nucl &

    Phys Particules IPNO IN2P3 CNRS Orsay France;

    Czech Tech Univ Fac Nucl Sci &

    Phys Engn Prague Czech Republic;

    Oak Ridge Natl Lab Oak Ridge TN USA;

    INFN Sez Turin Turin Italy;

    Univ Piemonte Orientale Dipartimento Sci &

    Innovaz Tecnol Alessandria Italy;

    Univ Fed ABC Santo Andre Brazil;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Pavia Pavia Italy;

    Univ Paris Saclay Univ Paris Sud Inst Natl Phys Nucl &

    Phys Particules IPNO IN2P3 CNRS Orsay France;

    Univ Clermont Auvergne CNRS IN2P3 LPC Clermont Ferrand France;

    Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico Inst Ciencias Nucl Mexico City DF Mexico;

    Oak Ridge Natl Lab Oak Ridge TN USA;

    Tech Univ Munich Phys Dept Munich Germany;

    INFN Sez Padova Padua Italy;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    ISS Bucharest Romania;

    Saha Inst Nucl Phys Kolkata India;

    Saha Inst Nucl Phys Kolkata India;

    Bose Inst Dept Phys Kolkata India;

    HBNI Natl Inst Sci Educ &

    Res Jatni India;

    Indian Inst Technol Bombay IIT Bombay Maharashtra India;

    Indian Inst Technol Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh India;

    Univ Salerno Dipartimento Fis ER Caianiello Salerno Italy;

    INFN Sez Bari Bari Italy;

    Univ Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Frankfurt Inst Adv Studies Frankfurt Germany;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Museo Stor Fis &

    Ctr Studi &

    Ric Enrico Fermi Ctr Fermi Rome Italy;

    INFN Sez Turin Turin Italy;

    Univ Salerno Dipartimento Fis ER Caianiello Salerno Italy;

    Univ Estadual Campinas UNICAMP Campinas SP Brazil;

    Univ Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    Natl Ctr Nucl Res Warsaw Poland;

    Univ Turin Dipartimento Fis Turin Italy;

    Nikhef Natl Inst Subat Phys Amsterdam Netherlands;

    Indian Inst Technol Bombay IIT Bombay Maharashtra India;

    Dipartimento Interateneo Fis M Merlin &

    Sez INFN Bari Italy;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    INFN Sez Padova Padua Italy;

    Ctr Aplicac Tecnol &

    Desarrollo Nucl CEADEN Havana Cuba;

    Univ Cape Town Cape Town South Africa;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Bergen Dept Phys &

    Technol Bergen Norway;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    Warsaw Univ Technol Warsaw Poland;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Univ Lyon 1 Univ Lyon CNRS IN2P3 IPN Lyon Lyon France;

    Panjab Univ Phys Dept Chandigarh India;

    Panjab Univ Phys Dept Chandigarh India;

    HBNI Natl Inst Sci Educ &

    Res Jatni India;

    Univ Clermont Auvergne CNRS IN2P3 LPC Clermont Ferrand France;

    Yale Univ New Haven CT USA;

    INFN Sez Bari Bari Italy;

    Pontificia Univ Catolica Peru Dept Ciencias Secc Fis Lima Peru;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Informat Fachbereich Informat &

    Math Frankfurt Germany;

    Yale Univ New Haven CT USA;

    Univ Nantes CNRS IN2P3 SUBATECH IMT Atlantique Nantes France;

    Univ Zagreb Fac Sci Phys Dept Zagreb Croatia;

    Univ Bergen Dept Phys &

    Technol Bergen Norway;

    Univ Paris Saclay Univ Paris Sud Inst Natl Phys Nucl &

    Phys Particules IPNO IN2P3 CNRS Orsay France;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Pusan Natl Univ Dept Phys Pusan South Korea;

    Univ Birmingham Sch Phys &

    Astron Birmingham W Midlands England;

    NRC Kurchatov Inst IHEP Protvino Russia;

    Tech Univ Munich Phys Dept Munich Germany;

    Univ Padua Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Padua Italy;

    Univ Grenoble Alpes CNRS IN2P3 Lab Phys Subatom &

    Cosmol Grenoble France;

    INFN Lab Nazl Frascati Frascati Italy;

    Oak Ridge Natl Lab Oak Ridge TN USA;

    Westfalische Wilhelms Univ Munster Inst Kernphys Munster Germany;

    INFN Sez Turin Turin Italy;

    St Petersburg State Univ V Fock Inst Phys St Petersburg Russia;

    Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla Puebla Mexico;

    Univ Turin Dipartimento Fis Turin Italy;

    Univ Padua Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Padua Italy;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    Polish Acad Sci Henryk Niewodniczanski Inst Nucl Phys Krakow Poland;

    Univ Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil;

    Russian Fed Nucl Ctr VNIIEF Sarov Russia;

    Acad Sci Inst Nucl Res Moscow Russia;

    Univ Bergen Dept Phys &

    Technol Bergen Norway;

    INFN Sez Bari Bari Italy;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Natl Res Fdn iThemba LABS Somerset West South Africa;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Kurchatov Inst Natl Res Ctr Moscow Russia;

    INFN Sez Trieste Trieste Italy;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Nantes CNRS IN2P3 SUBATECH IMT Atlantique Nantes France;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Univ Turin Dipartimento Fis Turin Italy;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Grenoble Alpes CNRS IN2P3 Lab Phys Subatom &

    Cosmol Grenoble France;

    Acad Sci Inst Nucl Res Moscow Russia;

    Univ Salerno Dipartimento Fis ER Caianiello Salerno Italy;

    Univ Copenhagen Niels Bohr Inst Copenhagen Denmark;

    Univ Turin Dipartimento Fis Turin Italy;

    Pontificia Univ Catolica Peru Dept Ciencias Secc Fis Lima Peru;

    Univ Copenhagen Niels Bohr Inst Copenhagen Denmark;

    Univ Turin Dipartimento Fis Turin Italy;

    Univ Autonoma Sinaloa Culiacan Mexico;

    Univ Athens Sch Sci Dept Phys Athens Greece;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Chicago State Univ Chicago IL USA;

    Univ Catania Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Catania Italy;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Tech Univ Munich Phys Dept Munich Germany;

    Univ Texas Austin Austin TX 78712 USA;

    Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul Inst Fis Porto Alegre RS Brazil;

    Univ Nantes CNRS IN2P3 SUBATECH IMT Atlantique Nantes France;

    Saha Inst Nucl Phys Kolkata India;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Bose Inst Dept Phys Kolkata India;

    INFN Lab Nazl Frascati Frascati Italy;

    INFN Sez Turin Turin Italy;

    Univ Padua Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Padua Italy;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico Inst Fis Mexico City DF Mexico;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Informat Fachbereich Informat &

    Math Frankfurt Germany;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla Puebla Mexico;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Frankfurt Inst Adv Studies Frankfurt Germany;

    Polish Acad Sci Henryk Niewodniczanski Inst Nucl Phys Krakow Poland;

    Univ Split Fac Elect Engn Mech Engn &

    Naval Architecture Split Croatia;

    Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico Inst Fis Mexico City DF Mexico;

    Warsaw Univ Technol Warsaw Poland;

    Univ Birmingham Sch Phys &

    Astron Birmingham W Midlands England;

    Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Berkeley CA USA;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Moscow Engn Phys Inst NRNU Moscow Russia;

    Yerevan Phys Inst Fdn AI Alikhanyan Natl Sci Lab Yerevan Armenia;

    JINR Dubna Russia;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Dipartimento DISAT Politecn &

    Sez INFN Turin Italy;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Univ Grenoble Alpes CNRS IN2P3 Lab Phys Subatom &

    Cosmol Grenoble France;

    Univ Bologna Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Bologna Italy;

    Univ Nantes CNRS IN2P3 SUBATECH IMT Atlantique Nantes France;

    Univ Copenhagen Niels Bohr Inst Copenhagen Denmark;

    Univ Tokyo Tokyo Japan;

    Univ Jammu Phys Dept Jammu India;

    Univ Jammu Phys Dept Jammu India;

    Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla Puebla Mexico;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Univ Paris Saclay Univ Paris Sud Inst Natl Phys Nucl &

    Phys Particules IPNO IN2P3 CNRS Orsay France;

    Nagasaki Inst Appl Sci Nagasaki Japan;

    Hungarian Acad Sci Wigner Res Ctr Phys Budapest Hungary;

    Univ Strasbourg CNRS UMR 7178 IPHC Strasbourg France;

    Univ Texas Austin Austin TX 78712 USA;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    Yale Univ New Haven CT USA;

    Chicago State Univ Chicago IL USA;

    Univ Grenoble Alpes CNRS IN2P3 Lab Phys Subatom &

    Cosmol Grenoble France;

    Museo Stor Fis &

    Ctr Studi &

    Ric Enrico Fermi Ctr Fermi Rome Italy;

    Univ Tokyo Tokyo Japan;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Western Norway Univ Appl Sci Fac Engn &

    Sci Bergen Norway;

    Horia Hulubei Natl Inst Phys &

    Nucl Engn Bucharest Romania;

    Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla Puebla Mexico;

    CINVESTAV Ctr Invest &

    Estudios Avanzados Mexico City DF Mexico;

    Westfalische Wilhelms Univ Munster Inst Kernphys Munster Germany;

    Western Norway Univ Appl Sci Fac Engn &

    Sci Bergen Norway;

    HIP Helsinki Finland;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Liverpool Oliver Lodge Lab Dept Phys Liverpool Merseyside England;

    Univ Strasbourg CNRS UMR 7178 IPHC Strasbourg France;

    Tech Univ Munich Phys Dept Munich Germany;

    Czech Tech Univ Fac Nucl Sci &

    Phys Engn Prague Czech Republic;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Univ Grenoble Alpes CNRS IN2P3 Lab Phys Subatom &

    Cosmol Grenoble France;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Paris Saclay Univ Paris Sud Inst Natl Phys Nucl &

    Phys Particules IPNO IN2P3 CNRS Orsay France;

    Univ Tennessee Knoxville TN USA;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Ohio State Univ Dept Phys 174 W 18th Ave Columbus OH 43210 USA;

    Saha Inst Nucl Phys Kolkata India;

    Gauhati Univ Dept Phys Gauhati India;

    Aligarh Muslim Univ Dept Phys Aligarh Uttar Pradesh India;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Frankfurt Inst Adv Studies Frankfurt Germany;

    Sejong Univ Dept Phys Seoul South Korea;

    Univ Liverpool Oliver Lodge Lab Dept Phys Liverpool Merseyside England;

    Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico Inst Ciencias Nucl Mexico City DF Mexico;

    Russian Fed Nucl Ctr VNIIEF Sarov Russia;

    Univ Tsukuba Tsukuba Ibaraki Japan;

    Kurchatov Inst Natl Res Ctr Moscow Russia;

    Saha Inst Nucl Phys Kolkata India;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Petersburg Nucl Phys Inst Gatchina Russia;

    NRC Kurchatov Inst IHEP Protvino Russia;

    Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Berkeley CA USA;

    Univ Bologna Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Bologna Italy;

    Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Berkeley CA USA;

    Indian Inst Technol Bombay IIT Bombay Maharashtra India;

    Tech Univ Kosice Kosice Slovakia;

    Tech Univ Kosice Kosice Slovakia;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    Tech Univ Munich Excellence Cluster Universe Munich Germany;

    Warsaw Univ Technol Warsaw Poland;

    Warsaw Univ Technol Warsaw Poland;

    HBNI Natl Inst Sci Educ &

    Res Jatni India;

    Univ Zagreb Fac Sci Phys Dept Zagreb Croatia;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Univ Houston Houston TX USA;

    Univ Birmingham Sch Phys &

    Astron Birmingham W Midlands England;

    Univ Birmingham Sch Phys &

    Astron Birmingham W Midlands England;

    Slovak Acad Sci Inst Expt Phys Kosice Slovakia;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Yonsei Univ Seoul South Korea;

    Moscow Engn Phys Inst NRNU Moscow Russia;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    KTO Karatay Univ Konya Turkey;

    Acad Sci Inst Nucl Res Moscow Russia;

    Acad Sci Inst Nucl Res Moscow Russia;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Acad Sci Inst Nucl Res Moscow Russia;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Informat Fachbereich Informat &

    Math Frankfurt Germany;

    Hochschule Worms Zentrum Technol Transfer &

    Telekommunikat ZTT Worms Germany;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Rhein Friedrich Wilhelms Univ Bonn Helmholtz Inst Strahlen &

    Kernphys Bonn Germany;

    Nikhef Natl Inst Subat Phys Amsterdam Netherlands;

    Aligarh Muslim Univ Dept Phys Aligarh Uttar Pradesh India;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Petersburg Nucl Phys Inst Gatchina Russia;

    NRC Kurchatov Inst IHEP Protvino Russia;

    Aligarh Muslim Univ Dept Phys Aligarh Uttar Pradesh India;

    Indian Inst Technol Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh India;

    Polish Acad Sci Henryk Niewodniczanski Inst Nucl Phys Krakow Poland;

    Western Norway Univ Appl Sci Fac Engn &

    Sci Bergen Norway;

    Univ Tsukuba Tsukuba Ibaraki Japan;

    Yonsei Univ Seoul South Korea;

    Univ Jyvaskyla Jyvaskyla Finland;

    Chonbuk Natl Univ Jeonju South Korea;

    Yonsei Univ Seoul South Korea;

    Gangneung Wonju Natl Univ Kangnung South Korea;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    Inha Univ Incheon South Korea;

    Sejong Univ Dept Phys Seoul South Korea;

    Yonsei Univ Seoul South Korea;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Frankfurt Inst Adv Studies Frankfurt Germany;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Frankfurt Inst Adv Studies Frankfurt Germany;

    Inst Theoret &

    Expt Phys Moscow Russia;

    Warsaw Univ Technol Warsaw Poland;

    Calif Polytech State Univ San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo CA 93407 USA;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Westfalische Wilhelms Univ Munster Inst Kernphys Munster Germany;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Houston Houston TX USA;

    Suranaree Univ Technol Nakhon Ratchasima Thailand;

    Hungarian Acad Sci Wigner Res Ctr Phys Budapest Hungary;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Moscow Engn Phys Inst NRNU Moscow Russia;

    NRC Kurchatov Inst IHEP Protvino Russia;

    Acad Sci Inst Nucl Res Moscow Russia;

    Wayne State Univ Detroit MI USA;

    Natl Ctr Nucl Res Warsaw Poland;

    St Petersburg State Univ V Fock Inst Phys St Petersburg Russia;

    Polish Acad Sci Henryk Niewodniczanski Inst Nucl Phys Krakow Poland;

    Slovak Acad Sci Inst Expt Phys Kosice Slovakia;

    Safarik Univ Fac Sci Kosice Slovakia;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Slovak Acad Sci Inst Expt Phys Kosice Slovakia;

    Czech Acad Sci Nucl Phys Inst Prague Czech Republic;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Petersburg Nucl Phys Inst Gatchina Russia;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Frankfurt Inst Adv Studies Frankfurt Germany;

    Ohio State Univ Dept Phys 174 W 18th Ave Columbus OH 43210 USA;

    Inha Univ Incheon South Korea;

    Univ Strasbourg CNRS UMR 7178 IPHC Strasbourg France;

    Nikhef Natl Inst Subat Phys Amsterdam Netherlands;

    Indian Inst Technol Bombay IIT Bombay Maharashtra India;

    Panjab Univ Phys Dept Chandigarh India;

    Indian Inst Technol Bombay IIT Bombay Maharashtra India;

    HBNI Natl Inst Sci Educ &

    Res Jatni India;

    Natl Ctr Nucl Res Warsaw Poland;

    Acad Sci Inst Nucl Res Moscow Russia;

    Acad Sci Inst Nucl Res Moscow Russia;

    Russian Fed Nucl Ctr VNIIEF Sarov Russia;

    Czech Acad Sci Nucl Phys Inst Prague Czech Republic;

    Inha Univ Incheon South Korea;

    Yonsei Univ Seoul South Korea;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Frankfurt Inst Adv Studies Frankfurt Germany;

    Univ Catania Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Catania Italy;

    Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Berkeley CA USA;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Coll Southeast Norway Tonsberg Norway;

    Yale Univ New Haven CT USA;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Informat Fachbereich Informat &

    Math Frankfurt Germany;

    INFN Lab Nazl Frascati Frascati Italy;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Czech Tech Univ Fac Nucl Sci &

    Phys Engn Prague Czech Republic;

    Univ Trieste Dipartimento Fis Trieste Italy;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    Yonsei Univ Seoul South Korea;

    Nikhef Natl Inst Subat Phys Amsterdam Netherlands;

    Stefan Meyer Inst Subatomare Phys SMI Vienna Austria;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Frankfurt Inst Adv Studies Frankfurt Germany;

    STFC Daresbury Lab Nucl Phys Grp Daresbury England;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    Univ Autonoma Sinaloa Culiacan Mexico;

    Hungarian Acad Sci Wigner Res Ctr Phys Budapest Hungary;

    China Inst Atom Energy Beijing Peoples R China;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    Univ Coll Southeast Norway Tonsberg Norway;

    Univ Birmingham Sch Phys &

    Astron Birmingham W Midlands England;

    Pusan Natl Univ Dept Phys Pusan South Korea;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Frankfurt Inst Adv Studies Frankfurt Germany;

    Univ Liverpool Oliver Lodge Lab Dept Phys Liverpool Merseyside England;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Ohio State Univ Dept Phys 174 W 18th Ave Columbus OH 43210 USA;

    HIP Helsinki Finland;

    Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Berkeley CA USA;

    Lund Univ Dept Phys Div Particle Phys Lund Sweden;

    Wayne State Univ Detroit MI USA;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    Moscow Engn Phys Inst NRNU Moscow Russia;

    Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Berkeley CA USA;

    Univ Split Fac Elect Engn Mech Engn &

    Naval Architecture Split Croatia;

    Univ Clermont Auvergne CNRS IN2P3 LPC Clermont Ferrand France;

    Ctr Aplicac Tecnol &

    Desarrollo Nucl CEADEN Havana Cuba;

    Hungarian Acad Sci Wigner Res Ctr Phys Budapest Hungary;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Westfalische Wilhelms Univ Munster Inst Kernphys Munster Germany;

    Univ Padua Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Padua Italy;

    INFN Sez Trieste Trieste Italy;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Acad Sci Inst Nucl Res Moscow Russia;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Strasbourg CNRS UMR 7178 IPHC Strasbourg France;

    Yale Univ New Haven CT USA;

    Petersburg Nucl Phys Inst Gatchina Russia;

    JINR Dubna Russia;

    Inst Theoret &

    Expt Phys Moscow Russia;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Russian Fed Nucl Ctr VNIIEF Sarov Russia;

    Kurchatov Inst Natl Res Ctr Moscow Russia;

    Univ Clermont Auvergne CNRS IN2P3 LPC Clermont Ferrand France;

    INFN Sez Bari Bari Italy;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    Natl Res Fdn iThemba LABS Somerset West South Africa;

    Czech Acad Sci Inst Phys Prague Czech Republic;

    Univ Trieste Dipartimento Fis Trieste Italy;

    INFN Sez Bologna Bologna Italy;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla Puebla Mexico;

    Univ Nantes CNRS IN2P3 SUBATECH IMT Atlantique Nantes France;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Univ Turin Dipartimento Fis Turin Italy;

    INFN Sez Cagliari Cagliari Italy;

    Univ Paris Saclay Univ Paris Sud Inst Natl Phys Nucl &

    Phys Particules IPNO IN2P3 CNRS Orsay France;

    Univ Nantes CNRS IN2P3 SUBATECH IMT Atlantique Nantes France;

    INFN Sez Bari Bari Italy;

    Tech Univ Munich Phys Dept Munich Germany;

    Univ Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil;

    Polish Acad Sci Henryk Niewodniczanski Inst Nucl Phys Krakow Poland;

    Polish Acad Sci Henryk Niewodniczanski Inst Nucl Phys Krakow Poland;

    Dipartimento Interateneo Fis M Merlin &

    Sez INFN Bari Italy;

    INFN Sez Rome Rome Italy;

    Univ Roma La Sapienza Dipartimento Fis Rome Italy;

    Moscow Engn Phys Inst NRNU Moscow Russia;

    Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico Inst Fis Mexico City DF Mexico;

    Univ Salerno Dipartimento Fis ER Caianiello Salerno Italy;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    Comenius Univ Fac Math Phys &

    Informat Bratislava Slovakia;

    Pontificia Univ Catolica Peru Dept Ciencias Secc Fis Lima Peru;

    Univ Cape Town Cape Town South Africa;

    Univ Tsukuba Tsukuba Ibaraki Japan;

    Univ Turin Dipartimento Fis Turin Italy;

    HIP Helsinki Finland;

    Tech Univ Munich Phys Dept Munich Germany;

    Inst Theoret &

    Expt Phys Moscow Russia;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico Inst Ciencias Nucl Mexico City DF Mexico;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    ISS Bucharest Romania;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    HBNI Natl Inst Sci Educ &

    Res Jatni India;

    Aligarh Muslim Univ Dept Phys Aligarh Uttar Pradesh India;

    Westfalische Wilhelms Univ Munster Inst Kernphys Munster Germany;

    Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla Puebla Mexico;

    Univ Padua Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Padua Italy;

    Univ Nantes CNRS IN2P3 SUBATECH IMT Atlantique Nantes France;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    INFN Lab Nazl Frascati Frascati Italy;

    Univ Split Fac Elect Engn Mech Engn &

    Naval Architecture Split Croatia;

    Westfalische Wilhelms Univ Munster Inst Kernphys Munster Germany;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Bose Inst Dept Phys Kolkata India;

    Yale Univ New Haven CT USA;

    Univ Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil;

    Rhein Friedrich Wilhelms Univ Bonn Helmholtz Inst Strahlen &

    Kernphys Bonn Germany;

    Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Berkeley CA USA;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Univ Tokyo Tokyo Japan;

    Natl Res Fdn iThemba LABS Somerset West South Africa;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Slovak Acad Sci Inst Expt Phys Kosice Slovakia;

    Univ Houston Houston TX USA;

    Warsaw Univ Technol Warsaw Poland;

    Indian Inst Technol Bombay IIT Bombay Maharashtra India;

    Natl Ctr Nucl Res Warsaw Poland;

    Indian Inst Technol Bombay IIT Bombay Maharashtra India;

    Museo Stor Fis &

    Ctr Studi &

    Ric Enrico Fermi Ctr Fermi Rome Italy;

    INFN Sez Bari Bari Italy;

    Indian Inst Technol Bombay IIT Bombay Maharashtra India;

    COMSATS Inst Informat Technol CIIT Islamabad Pakistan;

    Lund Univ Dept Phys Div Particle Phys Lund Sweden;

    Univ Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil;

    Univ Tennessee Knoxville TN USA;

    Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla Puebla Mexico;

    HBNI Natl Inst Sci Educ &

    Res Jatni India;

    Indian Inst Technol Bombay IIT Bombay Maharashtra India;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Russian Fed Nucl Ctr VNIIEF Sarov Russia;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico Inst Ciencias Nucl Mexico City DF Mexico;

    Western Norway Univ Appl Sci Fac Engn &

    Sci Bergen Norway;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Frankfurt Inst Adv Studies Frankfurt Germany;

    Univ Houston Houston TX USA;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Copenhagen Niels Bohr Inst Copenhagen Denmark;

    Kurchatov Inst Natl Res Ctr Moscow Russia;

    Kurchatov Inst Natl Res Ctr Moscow Russia;

    Petersburg Nucl Phys Inst Gatchina Russia;

    Museo Stor Fis &

    Ctr Studi &

    Ric Enrico Fermi Ctr Fermi Rome Italy;

    JINR Dubna Russia;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla Puebla Mexico;

    Univ Grenoble Alpes CNRS IN2P3 Lab Phys Subatom &

    Cosmol Grenoble France;

    Kurchatov Inst Natl Res Ctr Moscow Russia;

    Univ Bergen Dept Phys &

    Technol Bergen Norway;

    Yonsei Univ Seoul South Korea;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    Warsaw Univ Technol Warsaw Poland;

    Univ Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil;

    Yale Univ New Haven CT USA;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    INFN Sez Turin Turin Italy;

    HIP Helsinki Finland;

    Tech Univ Kosice Kosice Slovakia;

    Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico Inst Ciencias Nucl Mexico City DF Mexico;

    Lund Univ Dept Phys Div Particle Phys Lund Sweden;

    Polish Acad Sci Henryk Niewodniczanski Inst Nucl Phys Krakow Poland;

    Nagasaki Inst Appl Sci Nagasaki Japan;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    Univ Copenhagen Niels Bohr Inst Copenhagen Denmark;

    Univ Brescia Brescia Italy;

    Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico Inst Ciencias Nucl Mexico City DF Mexico;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    Wayne State Univ Detroit MI USA;

    Indian Inst Technol Bombay IIT Bombay Maharashtra India;

    Univ Paris Saclay CEA Dept Phys Nucl DPhN IRFU Saclay France;

    Yerevan Phys Inst Fdn AI Alikhanyan Natl Sci Lab Yerevan Armenia;

    Indian Inst Technol Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh India;

    Inha Univ Incheon South Korea;

    Univ Jyvaskyla Jyvaskyla Finland;

    Panjab Univ Phys Dept Chandigarh India;

    Westfalische Wilhelms Univ Munster Inst Kernphys Munster Germany;

    Univ Houston Houston TX USA;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    INFN Sez Turin Turin Italy;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul Inst Fis Porto Alegre RS Brazil;

    Univ Paris Saclay CEA Dept Phys Nucl DPhN IRFU Saclay France;

    Kurchatov Inst Natl Res Ctr Moscow Russia;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Budker Inst Nucl Phys Novosibirsk Russia;

    Czech Tech Univ Fac Nucl Sci &

    Phys Engn Prague Czech Republic;

    Horia Hulubei Natl Inst Phys &

    Nucl Engn Bucharest Romania;

    Univ Catania Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Catania Italy;

    Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul Inst Fis Porto Alegre RS Brazil;

    INFN Sez Trieste Trieste Italy;

    Comenius Univ Fac Math Phys &

    Informat Bratislava Slovakia;

    Univ Nantes CNRS IN2P3 SUBATECH IMT Atlantique Nantes France;

    Univ Copenhagen Niels Bohr Inst Copenhagen Denmark;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Houston Houston TX USA;

    INFN Lab Nazl Frascati Frascati Italy;

    Univ Houston Houston TX USA;

    Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Berkeley CA USA;

    Univ Zagreb Fac Sci Phys Dept Zagreb Croatia;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Warsaw Univ Technol Warsaw Poland;

    Hungarian Acad Sci Wigner Res Ctr Phys Budapest Hungary;

    Univ Autonoma Sinaloa Culiacan Mexico;

    Oak Ridge Natl Lab Oak Ridge TN USA;

    NRC Kurchatov Inst IHEP Protvino Russia;

    Univ Zagreb Fac Sci Phys Dept Zagreb Croatia;

    Suranaree Univ Technol Nakhon Ratchasima Thailand;

    Horia Hulubei Natl Inst Phys &

    Nucl Engn Bucharest Romania;

    Westfalische Wilhelms Univ Munster Inst Kernphys Munster Germany;

    Univ Clermont Auvergne CNRS IN2P3 LPC Clermont Ferrand France;

    JINR Dubna Russia;

    Bose Inst Dept Phys Kolkata India;

    INFN Sez Bologna Bologna Italy;

    INFN Sez Turin Turin Italy;

    Wayne State Univ Detroit MI USA;

    Acad Sci Inst Nucl Res Moscow Russia;

    Univ Turin Dipartimento Fis Turin Italy;

    Russian Fed Nucl Ctr VNIIEF Sarov Russia;

    Wayne State Univ Detroit MI USA;

    Bose Inst Dept Phys Kolkata India;

    Univ Jammu Phys Dept Jammu India;

    Univ Jyvaskyla Jyvaskyla Finland;

    Univ Paris Saclay CEA Dept Phys Nucl DPhN IRFU Saclay France;

    Univ Piemonte Orientale Dipartimento Sci &

    Innovaz Tecnol Alessandria Italy;

    Univ Strasbourg CNRS UMR 7178 IPHC Strasbourg France;

    Univ Rajasthan Phys Dept Jaipur Rajasthan India;

    Univ Rajasthan Phys Dept Jaipur Rajasthan India;

    HIP Helsinki Finland;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Rhein Friedrich Wilhelms Univ Bonn Helmholtz Inst Strahlen &

    Kernphys Bonn Germany;

    Dipartimento DISAT Politecn &

    Sez INFN Turin Italy;

    Oak Ridge Natl Lab Oak Ridge TN USA;

    Natl Ctr Nucl Res Warsaw Poland;

    Univ Bergen Dept Phys &

    Technol Bergen Norway;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Acad Sci Inst Nucl Res Moscow Russia;

    Museo Stor Fis &

    Ctr Studi &

    Ric Enrico Fermi Ctr Fermi Rome Italy;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    Petersburg Nucl Phys Inst Gatchina Russia;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Catania Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Catania Italy;

    ISS Bucharest Romania;

    Indian Inst Technol Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh India;

    Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla Puebla Mexico;

    NRC Kurchatov Inst IHEP Protvino Russia;

    JINR Dubna Russia;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Bergen Dept Phys &

    Technol Bergen Norway;

    Warsaw Univ Technol Warsaw Poland;

    INFN Lab Nazl Frascati Frascati Italy;

    Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico Inst Ciencias Nucl Mexico City DF Mexico;

    Warsaw Univ Technol Warsaw Poland;

    Univ Clermont Auvergne CNRS IN2P3 LPC Clermont Ferrand France;

    Univ Padua Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Padua Italy;

    Univ Pavia Pavia Italy;

    Univ Athens Sch Sci Dept Phys Athens Greece;

    Univ Strasbourg CNRS UMR 7178 IPHC Strasbourg France;

    Saha Inst Nucl Phys Kolkata India;

    Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico Inst Ciencias Nucl Mexico City DF Mexico;

    Univ Trieste Dipartimento Fis Trieste Italy;

    JINR Dubna Russia;

    Natl Nucl Res Ctr Baku Azerbaijan;

    Kurchatov Inst Natl Res Ctr Moscow Russia;

    Petersburg Nucl Phys Inst Gatchina Russia;

    Polish Acad Sci Henryk Niewodniczanski Inst Nucl Phys Krakow Poland;

    HIP Helsinki Finland;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    NRC Kurchatov Inst IHEP Protvino Russia;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Indian Inst Technol Bombay IIT Bombay Maharashtra India;

    Indian Inst Technol Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh India;

    Indian Inst Technol Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh India;

    Inst Phys Bhubaneswar India;

    Inst Phys Bhubaneswar India;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Univ Tsukuba Tsukuba Ibaraki Japan;

    Wayne State Univ Detroit MI USA;

    Univ Jammu Phys Dept Jammu India;

    Moscow Engn Phys Inst NRNU Moscow Russia;

    Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico Inst Fis Mexico City DF Mexico;

    Natl Res Fdn iThemba LABS Somerset West South Africa;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Gauhati Univ Dept Phys Gauhati India;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    INFN Sez Bologna Bologna Italy;

    Univ Padua Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Padua Italy;

    Oak Ridge Natl Lab Oak Ridge TN USA;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Horia Hulubei Natl Inst Phys &

    Nucl Engn Bucharest Romania;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Eberhard Karls Univ Tubingen Phys Inst Tubingen Germany;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    Eberhard Karls Univ Tubingen Phys Inst Tubingen Germany;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Univ Bologna Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Bologna Italy;

    INFN Sez Turin Turin Italy;

    Safarik Univ Fac Sci Kosice Slovakia;

    Creighton Univ Omaha NE 68178 USA;

    Univ Tokyo Tokyo Japan;

    Hiroshima Univ Hiroshima Japan;

    Moscow Engn Phys Inst NRNU Moscow Russia;

    Natl Res Fdn iThemba LABS Somerset West South Africa;

    Univ Strasbourg CNRS UMR 7178 IPHC Strasbourg France;

    Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico Inst Fis Mexico City DF Mexico;

    Indian Inst Technol Bombay IIT Bombay Maharashtra India;

    ISS Bucharest Romania;

    Acad Sci Inst Nucl Res Moscow Russia;

    Univ Nantes CNRS IN2P3 SUBATECH IMT Atlantique Nantes France;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Saha Inst Nucl Phys Kolkata India;

    NRC Kurchatov Inst IHEP Protvino Russia;

    Univ Jammu Phys Dept Jammu India;

    Univ Jammu Phys Dept Jammu India;

    Panjab Univ Phys Dept Chandigarh India;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Hiroshima Univ Hiroshima Japan;

    NWU Nara Japan;

    Inst Theoret &

    Expt Phys Moscow Russia;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    Univ Turin Dipartimento Fis Turin Italy;

    Kurchatov Inst Natl Res Ctr Moscow Russia;

    INFN Sez Cagliari Cagliari Italy;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Natl Ctr Nucl Res Warsaw Poland;

    Lund Univ Dept Phys Div Particle Phys Lund Sweden;

    Nikhef Natl Inst Subat Phys Amsterdam Netherlands;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Univ Jammu Phys Dept Jammu India;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Saha Inst Nucl Phys Kolkata India;

    Comenius Univ Fac Math Phys &

    Informat Bratislava Slovakia;

    Univ Piemonte Orientale Dipartimento Sci &

    Innovaz Tecnol Alessandria Italy;

    Univ Jyvaskyla Jyvaskyla Finland;

    Yale Univ New Haven CT USA;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    Univ Jyvaskyla Jyvaskyla Finland;

    Pusan Natl Univ Dept Phys Pusan South Korea;

    Univ Padua Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Padua Italy;

    Univ Tennessee Knoxville TN USA;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    Polish Acad Sci Henryk Niewodniczanski Inst Nucl Phys Krakow Poland;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    ISS Bucharest Romania;

    Oak Ridge Natl Lab Oak Ridge TN USA;

    Lund Univ Dept Phys Div Particle Phys Lund Sweden;

    Univ Nantes CNRS IN2P3 SUBATECH IMT Atlantique Nantes France;

    Western Norway Univ Appl Sci Fac Engn &

    Sci Bergen Norway;

    Comenius Univ Fac Math Phys &

    Informat Bratislava Slovakia;

    Univ Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil;

    Hiroshima Univ Hiroshima Japan;

    Univ Paris Saclay Univ Paris Sud Inst Natl Phys Nucl &

    Phys Particules IPNO IN2P3 CNRS Orsay France;

    COMSATS Inst Informat Technol CIIT Islamabad Pakistan;

    Univ Trieste Dipartimento Fis Trieste Italy;

    Inst Theoret &

    Expt Phys Moscow Russia;

    Czech Acad Sci Nucl Phys Inst Prague Czech Republic;

    Indonesian Inst Sci Jakarta Indonesia;

    Stefan Meyer Inst Subatomare Phys SMI Vienna Austria;

    Inst Phys Bhubaneswar India;

    Comenius Univ Fac Math Phys &

    Informat Bratislava Slovakia;

    Comenius Univ Fac Math Phys &

    Informat Bratislava Slovakia;

    COMSATS Inst Informat Technol CIIT Islamabad Pakistan;

    Univ Estadual Campinas UNICAMP Campinas SP Brazil;

    Univ Bergen Dept Phys &

    Technol Bergen Norway;

    Univ Tsukuba Tsukuba Ibaraki Japan;

    Univ Nantes CNRS IN2P3 SUBATECH IMT Atlantique Nantes France;

    Aligarh Muslim Univ Dept Phys Aligarh Uttar Pradesh India;

    Horia Hulubei Natl Inst Phys &

    Nucl Engn Bucharest Romania;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla Puebla Mexico;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Padua Dipartimento Fis &

    Astron Padua Italy;

    Univ Lyon 1 Univ Lyon CNRS IN2P3 IPN Lyon Lyon France;

    Indian Inst Technol Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh India;

    Variable Energy Cyclotron Ctr Kolkata India;

    Univ Texas Austin Austin TX 78712 USA;

    Univ Copenhagen Niels Bohr Inst Copenhagen Denmark;

    Univ Lyon 1 Univ Lyon CNRS IN2P3 IPN Lyon Lyon France;

    Acad Sci Inst Nucl Res Moscow Russia;

    Univ Houston Houston TX USA;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Acad Sci Inst Nucl Res Moscow Russia;

    INFN Lab Nazl Frascati Frascati Italy;

    Univ Autonoma Sinaloa Culiacan Mexico;

    Indian Inst Technol Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh India;

    Univ Turin Dipartimento Fis Turin Italy;

    Univ Paris Saclay Univ Paris Sud Inst Natl Phys Nucl &

    Phys Particules IPNO IN2P3 CNRS Orsay France;

    Safarik Univ Fac Sci Kosice Slovakia;

    Natl Acad Sci Ukraine Bogolyubov Inst Theoret Phys Kiev Ukraine;

    Univ Jyvaskyla Jyvaskyla Finland;

    Warsaw Univ Technol Warsaw Poland;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    Univ Tokyo Tokyo Japan;

    Russian Fed Nucl Ctr VNIIEF Sarov Russia;

    INFN Sez Padova Padua Italy;

    Univ Bergen Dept Phys &

    Technol Bergen Norway;

    Univ Houston Houston TX USA;

    Univ Lyon 1 Univ Lyon CNRS IN2P3 IPN Lyon Lyon France;

    Univ Cagliari Dipartimento Fis Cagliari Italy;

    Univ Zagreb Fac Sci Phys Dept Zagreb Croatia;

    Tech Univ Kosice Kosice Slovakia;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Hungarian Acad Sci Wigner Res Ctr Phys Budapest Hungary;

    Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla Puebla Mexico;

    Univ Jyvaskyla Jyvaskyla Finland;

    Indian Inst Technol Bombay IIT Bombay Maharashtra India;

    Univ Athens Sch Sci Dept Phys Athens Greece;

    Kurchatov Inst Natl Res Ctr Moscow Russia;

    Univ Grenoble Alpes CNRS IN2P3 Lab Phys Subatom &

    Cosmol Grenoble France;

    Tech Univ Munich Phys Dept Munich Germany;

    St Petersburg State Univ V Fock Inst Phys St Petersburg Russia;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    Univ Turin Dipartimento Fis Turin Italy;

    Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla Puebla Mexico;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    IN2P3 Ctr Calcul Lyon France;

    Hungarian Acad Sci Wigner Res Ctr Phys Budapest Hungary;

    Univ Split Fac Elect Engn Mech Engn &

    Naval Architecture Split Croatia;

    Univ Jyvaskyla Jyvaskyla Finland;

    Univ Witwatersrand Johannesburg South Africa;

    Univ Birmingham Sch Phys &

    Astron Birmingham W Midlands England;

    Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla Puebla Mexico;

    Kurchatov Inst Natl Res Ctr Moscow Russia;

    Univ Salerno Dipartimento Fis ER Caianiello Salerno Italy;

    Lund Univ Dept Phys Div Particle Phys Lund Sweden;

    JINR Dubna Russia;

    Eberhard Karls Univ Tubingen Phys Inst Tubingen Germany;

    Inst Theoret &

    Expt Phys Moscow Russia;

    Wayne State Univ Detroit MI USA;

    Dipartimento Interateneo Fis M Merlin &

    Sez INFN Bari Italy;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Tech Univ Munich Phys Dept Munich Germany;

    Tech Univ Kosice Kosice Slovakia;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Safarik Univ Fac Sci Kosice Slovakia;

    Univ Bergen Dept Phys &

    Technol Bergen Norway;

    Utrecht Univ Nikhef Inst Subat Phys Utrecht Netherlands;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    Univ Tsukuba Tsukuba Ibaraki Japan;

    Stefan Meyer Inst Subatomare Phys SMI Vienna Austria;

    GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH Res Div Darmstadt Germany;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Westfalische Wilhelms Univ Munster Inst Kernphys Munster Germany;

    Westfalische Wilhelms Univ Munster Inst Kernphys Munster Germany;

    Univ Cape Town Cape Town South Africa;

    Goethe Univ Frankfurt Inst Kernphys Frankfurt Germany;

    Natl Ctr Nucl Res Warsaw Poland;

    INFN Sez Bologna Bologna Italy;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    INFN Sez Bologna Bologna Italy;

    Univ Birmingham Sch Phys &

    Astron Birmingham W Midlands England;

    Heidelberg Univ Phys Inst Heidelberg Germany;

    Univ Tennessee Knoxville TN USA;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    KTO Karatay Univ Konya Turkey;

    Hiroshima Univ Hiroshima Japan;

    Hiroshima Univ Hiroshima Japan;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    Univ Grenoble Alpes CNRS IN2P3 Lab Phys Subatom &

    Cosmol Grenoble France;

    Pusan Natl Univ Dept Phys Pusan South Korea;

    Inha Univ Incheon South Korea;

    Natl Acad Sci Ukraine Bogolyubov Inst Theoret Phys Kiev Ukraine;

    INFN Sez Turin Turin Italy;

    COMSATS Inst Informat Technol CIIT Islamabad Pakistan;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Univ Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil;

    Univ Birmingham Sch Phys &

    Astron Birmingham W Midlands England;

    St Petersburg State Univ V Fock Inst Phys St Petersburg Russia;

    Czech Acad Sci Inst Phys Prague Czech Republic;

    Russian Fed Nucl Ctr VNIIEF Sarov Russia;

    Warsaw Univ Technol Warsaw Poland;

    Petersburg Nucl Phys Inst Gatchina Russia;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    Univ Split Fac Elect Engn Mech Engn &

    Naval Architecture Split Croatia;

    Inst Theoret &

    Expt Phys Moscow Russia;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    Univ Copenhagen Niels Bohr Inst Copenhagen Denmark;

    Univ Bergen Dept Phys &

    Technol Bergen Norway;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

    Museo Stor Fis &

    Ctr Studi &

    Ric Enrico Fermi Ctr Fermi Rome Italy;

    CERN European Org Nucl Res Geneva Switzerland;

    Natl Acad Sci Ukraine Bogolyubov Inst Theoret Phys Kiev Ukraine;

    Stefan Meyer Inst Subatomare Phys SMI Vienna Austria;

    Cent China Normal Univ Wuhan Hubei Peoples R China;

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