首页> 外文期刊>Physics Letters, A >Stabilization of Lagrange points in circular restricted three-body problem: A port-Hamiltonian approach

Stabilization of Lagrange points in circular restricted three-body problem: A port-Hamiltonian approach


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Current station keeping strategies target periodic orbits around the unstable Lagrange points. These control strategies are based on the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem (CRTBP) linearized around an equilibrium point and cannot ensure global stability. In this paper, we use the port-Hamiltonian approach to reformulate the CRTBP with input, which preserves the original nonlinear dynamics. Designing a control strategy based on energy shaping and dissipation injection, we obtain the closed-loop Hamiltonian as the candidate of Lyapunov function, which guarantees asymptotic stability. The control strategy designed here is successfully applied to the stabilization of Lagrange points in CRTBP. Furthermore, the designed control approach shows global stability within the application region of CRTBP model, and it is applicable to set arbitrary equilibrium points. The current framework is also stable against error in the thrust and still works when the third body moves beyond the region of applicability of the linearized dynamics, where the linear controller may fail. Finally, this method has potential to be extended to the three-dimensional CRTBP, where both the perturbation and the thrust out of the plane are considered. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:当前站保持策略目标定期轨道在不稳定的拉格朗日点周围。这些控制策略基于围绕均衡点线性化的循环限制的三体问题(CRTBP),无法确保全局稳定性。在本文中,我们使用Port-Hamiltonian方法来重新装订CRTBP的输入,该输入保留了原始非线性动态。基于能量塑造和耗散注入的控制策略设计,我们获得闭环汉密尔顿人作为Lyapunov函数的候选者,保证了渐近稳定性。这里设计的控制策略成功应用于CRTBP中的拉格朗日点的稳定性。此外,设计的控制方法在CRTBP模型的应用区域内表示全局稳定性,并且适用于设定任意均衡点。当前框架在推力中的错误也稳定,并且当第三机身移动超出线性控制器的适用区域时仍然有效,其中线性控制器可能失效。最后,该方法具有延伸到三维CRTBP的可能性,其中扰动和射击都被认为是平面的。 (c)2019 Elsevier B.v.保留所有权利。



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