首页> 外文期刊>Physical chemistry chemical physics: PCCP >EVB and polarizable MM study of energy relaxation in fluorine-acetonitrile reactions This paper is dedicated with warm respect to Prof. Mike Ashfold, in recognition of his many contributions to physical chemistry, chemical physics, and the eponymous journal. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8cp06686h

EVB and polarizable MM study of energy relaxation in fluorine-acetonitrile reactions This paper is dedicated with warm respect to Prof. Mike Ashfold, in recognition of his many contributions to physical chemistry, chemical physics, and the eponymous journal. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8cp06686h

机译:EVB和极化MM在氟 - 乙腈反应中的能量松弛研究本文专用于热烈的迈克·阿什比尔教授,以认识到他对物理化学,化学物理和同名期刊的贡献。 电子补充信息(ESI)可用。 查看DOI:10.1039 / C8CP06686H

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The H-abstraction reaction between fluorine atom and deuterated acetonitrile (CD3CN) is highly exothermic and the resulting deuterium fluoride (DF) molecule is formed with a significant amount of energy that requires several picoseconds to relax into the solvent environment. Previous empirical valence bond (EVB) modelling work (D. R. Glowacki, et al., J. Chem. Phys., 2015, 143, 044120) showed that reproducing the experimental relaxation timescale is quite sensitive to the potential energy surface (PES) used, and the physical effects responsible for cooling were not fully clear. Here, we study the rate of cooling on two new carefully designed PESs, and by comparison to behaviour on other PESs, this provides additional insight into these effects. The first PES is a MMFF (Merck Molecular Force Field) based covalent-ionic two-state EVB model constructed utilizing the valence-bond resonance structures of DF, which is shown to give a good description of the PES for interaction of hydrogen fluoride through hydrogen bonding with one acetonitrile molecule, but performs relatively poorly in predicting the vibrational relaxation rate in bulk solvent. The second new PES uses the polarizable AMOEBA force field formalism, and describes both the DF-acetonitrile dimer PES and the rate of vibrational cooling very well, with good computational efficiency. Comparison of those PESs shows that as well as a good description of the non-bonded interactions in the DF-acetonitrile dimer, successful prediction of cooling dynamics requires a good description of many-body effects involving the supramolecular complex formed by DF, the H-bonded CD3CN and nearby solvent molecules.
机译:氟原子和氘代乙腈(CD 3 CN)之间的H-抽提反应是高度放热的,所得到的氟化氘(DF)分子与需要几皮秒到放松到溶剂环境能量的量显著形成。以往的实证价键(EVB)建模工作(DR Glowacki等人,J。化学物理。,2015,143,044120)显示再现实验松弛时间尺度是所使用的势能表面(PES)相当敏感,并负责冷却身体的影响并不完全清楚。在这里,我们研究了冷却两个新精心设计的PES的速度,并通过比较行为对其他的PES,这提供了额外的洞察这些影响。第一PES是一个MMFF(默克分子力场)基于共价离子两状态EVB模型构建利用DF,其被示出,得到PES的一个很好的描述,用于通过氢的氟化氢相互作用的价键的共振结构接合与一个乙腈分子,但执行在预测散装溶剂振动弛豫率相对较差。第二个新的PES使用极化变形虫力场形式主义,并且描述了DF-乙腈二聚体PES和的振动冷却很好的速率,具有良好的计算效率两者。的那些的PES的比较示出了,随着以及在所述非粘结相互作用的一个很好的描述DF-乙腈二聚体,冷却动力学的成功预测需要的多体效应涉及超分子复合物形成通过DF,所述H-一个很好的说明粘结CD3CN和附近的溶剂分子。



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