首页> 外文期刊>Current Microbiology: An International Journal >Bacterial diversity in the haloalkaline Lake Elmenteita, Kenya.

Bacterial diversity in the haloalkaline Lake Elmenteita, Kenya.


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Lake Elmenteita is one of the alkaline saline lakes within the Kenyan Rift valley. The lake is situated on the floor of the Kenyan Rift Valley at 1,776 m above sea level and has no direct outlet. The microbial diversity of the lake was investigated using a culture-independent approach. Five different sampling points were selected randomly within the lake. Wet sediments and water samples were collected from each sampling point. In addition, dry mud cake was collected from three points where the lake had dried. DNA was extracted from the samples and the 16S rRNA genes amplified using universal primers for Bacteria. Thirteen clone libraries were constructed using the PCR amplified 16S rRNA genes. A total of 1,663 clones were picked. Representative clones were selected using ARDRA technique for sequencing. 655 partial and non-chimeric clone sequences indicated the presence of 37 orders in the Domain Bacteria. Cyanobacteria were the most abundant clones in terms of numbers whereas members of the phylum Firmicutes group were the second in terms of numbers but the most diverse in terms of genera represented. All clones affiliated to the class Betaproteobacteria originated from DNA obtained from the water samples. Analysis using BLAST showed that 93.1% of the sequenced clones had similarity values below 98% to both cultured and as yet uncultured bacteria, resulting in 596 phylotypes. Therefore, it can be concluded that Lake Elmenteita harbours phylogenetically diverse groups of bacteria involved in complex metabolic interactions within the Lake's ecosystem.
机译:Elmenteita湖是肯尼亚裂谷内的碱性盐湖之一。该湖位于肯尼亚大裂谷的地面上,海拔1776 m,没有直接出口。使用与文化无关的方法研究了湖泊的微生物多样性。在湖中随机选择了五个不同的采样点。从每个采样点收集湿的沉积物和水样。另外,从湖干燥的三个地点收集了干泥饼。从样品中提取DNA,并使用细菌通用引物扩增16S rRNA基因。使用PCR扩增的16S rRNA基因构建了13个克隆文库。总共选择了1,663个克隆。使用ARDRA技术选择代表性克隆进行测序。 655个部分和非嵌合克隆序列表明在域细菌中存在37个顺序。蓝细菌在数量上是最丰富的克隆,而Firmicutes门类的成员在数量上排名第二,但在属方面却是最多样化的。 Betaproteobacteria 属下的所有克隆均来源于从水样中获得的DNA。使用BLAST进行的分析表明,93.1%的测序克隆与已培养细菌和尚未培养细菌的相似性值均低于98%,导致596个系统型。因此,可以得出结论,埃尔曼蒂塔湖(Lake Elmenteita)拥有系统发育多样的细菌群,这些细菌群参与了该湖生态系统内复杂的代谢相互作用。



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