
Laboring through informed consent


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Anyone interested can determine how many trials were begun on a particular subject and ascertain how many actually were published. However, few readers ever become aware of this information, and, regardless, the unpublished results remain unknown. A number of other industry practices have been described that are designed to obscure relevant information from patients and physicians. Ambiguous reporting is one of the more common industrial practices.3 An undetectable example of ambiguous reporting is the publication of favorable data while withholding unfavorable data from the same study. Other examples involve study design and data analysis. To maximize the perception of benefit, new treatments can be compared with placebo rather than with existing treatments, or the same patients can be compared before and after treatment rather than with a control group. Statistical analysis can be manipulated to enhance the message most favorable to the sponsor.
机译:有兴趣的人可以确定特定主题上开始有多少次试验,并确定其实际出版的实际情况。 然而,很少有读者曾经意识到这一信息,而且,无论如何,未发表的结果仍然未知。 已经描述了许多其他行业实践,旨在掩盖患者和医生的相关信息。 含糊不清的报告是更常见的工业实践之一.3未定例的暧昧报告的例子是出版有利数据,同时扣留不利的数据。 其他示例涉及研究设计和数据分析。 为了最大限度地提高益处的感知,可以将新的治疗与安慰剂而不是现有的治疗进行比较,或者可以在治疗之前和之后比较同一患者而不是对照组。 可以操纵统计分析以增强对赞助商最有利的信息。



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