首页> 外文期刊>Nature reviews Cancer >Systemic Design Approach to a Real-Time Healthcare Monitoring System: Reducing Unplanned Hospital Readmissions

Systemic Design Approach to a Real-Time Healthcare Monitoring System: Reducing Unplanned Hospital Readmissions


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Following hospital discharge, millions of patients continue to recover outside formal healthcare organizations (HCOs) in designated transitional care periods (TCPs). Unplanned hospital readmissions of patients during TCPs adversely affects the quality and cost of care. In order to reduce the rates of unplanned hospital readmissions, we propose a real-time patient-centric system, built around applications, to assist discharged patients in remaining at home or in the workplace while being supported by care providers. Discrete-event system modeling techniques and supervisory control theory play fundamental roles in the system's design. Simulation results and analysis show that the proposed system can be effective in documenting a patient's condition and health-related behaviors. Most importantly, the system tackles the problem of unplanned hospital readmissions by supporting discharged patients at a lower cost via home/workplace monitoring without sacrificing the quality of care.
机译:在医院出院后,数百万患者继续在指定的过渡性护理期间(TCP)的正式医疗组织(HCOS)恢复。 在TCPS期间患者的无计划医院入院对患者的质量和费用产生不利影响。 为了减少未持久的医院入伍的率,我们提出了一个围绕应用的实时患者中心系统,协助排放的患者在家里或工作场所留在护理提供者的支持。 离散事件系统建模技术与监督控制理论在系统设计中发挥基本作用。 仿真结果和分析表明,该系统可有效记录患者的病情和与健康相关的行为。 最重要的是,该系统通过在通过主页/工作场所监测的价格下支付较低的成本,在不牺牲护理质量的情况下,通过支持排放的患者来解决未计住院的医院入伍的问题。



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