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Paleotsunami deposits along the coast of Egypt correlate with historical earthquake records of eastern Mediterranean


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We study the sedimentary record of past tsunamis along the coastal area west of Alexandria (NW Egypt) taking into account the occurrence of major historical earthquakes in the eastern Mediterranean. The two selected sites at Kefr Saber (similar to 32 km west of Marsa-Matrouh city) and similar to 10 km northwest of El Alamein village are coastal lagoons protected by 2-20 m-high dunes parallel to the shoreline. Field data were collected by (1) coastal geomorphology along estuaries, wedge-protected and dune-protected lagoons; and (2) identification and spatial distribution of paleotsunamis deposits using five trenches (1.5 m-depth) at Kefr Saber and twelve cores (1 to 2.5 m-depth) at El Alamein. Detailed logging of sedimentary sections was conducted using X-rays, grain size and sorting, total organic and inorganic matter, bulk mineralogy, magnetic susceptibility, and radiocarbon dating to identify past tsunamis records. Generally of low energy, the stratigraphic succession made of coastal lagoon and alluvial deposits includes intercalated high-energy deposits made of mixed fine and coarse sand with broken shells, interpreted as catastrophic layers correlated with tsunami deposits. Radiocarbon dating of 46 samples consist in mixed old (13000 BP) and young (5500 BP), dated charcoal and shells in sedimentary units correlate with the 24 June AD1870 (M-w 7.5), 8 August AD1303 (M-w similar to 8) and 21 July AD365 (M-w 8-8.5) large tsunamigenic earthquakes that caused inundation along the Alexandria and northern Egyptian shoreline. Our results point out the size and recurrence of past tsunamis and the potential for future tsunami hazards on the Egyptian coastline and the eastern Mediterranean regions.
机译:我们沿着亚历山大(NW Egypt)以西的沿海地区研究了过去海啸沉积记录,考虑到东部地中海的主要历史地震发生。 Kefr Saber的两个选定网站(类似于Marsa-Matrouh市以西32公里),与El Alamein Village的西北部类似于10公里,是沿海泻湖,受到2-20米高的沙丘,平行于海岸线保护。现场数据由沿河口,楔形和海湾保护的泻湖沿着(1)沿海地貌收集; (2)古氮胺沉积物的鉴定和空间分布在Kefr Saber和El Alamein的第12次沟槽(1.5 m-深度)和12个核心(1至2.5 m深)的古沟(1.5 m-深度)。使用X射线,晶粒尺寸和分选,总有机和无机物质,散装矿物质,磁化率和RadioCarbon约会来进行详细的沉积部分,可识别过去海啸记录。一般来说,能量低,由沿海泻湖和冲积沉积物制成的地层继承包括由混合细小和粗砂制成的插入高能沉积,与破碎的壳体解释为与海啸沉积物相关的灾难性层。 46个样品的RadioCarbon约会,包括混合旧(& 13000bp)和年轻(& 5500 bp),沉积单位的日期木炭和贝壳与AD1870 6月24日(MW 7.5),8月8日(MW类似于8) )和7月21日AD365(MW 8-8.5)大的海啸地震,沿着亚历山大和北部埃及海岸线造成的淹没。我们的结果指出了过去海啸的大小和再次发生以及埃及海岸线和东地中海地区未来海啸危害的潜力。



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