首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Pharmacology: An International Journal >Are some animal models more equal than others? A case study on the translational value of animal models of efficacy for Alzheimer's disease

Are some animal models more equal than others? A case study on the translational value of animal models of efficacy for Alzheimer's disease

机译:一些动物模型比其他动物更平等吗? 阿尔茨海默病疗效动物模型平移价值的案例研究

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Clinical trial failures ( > 99%) in Alzheimer's disease are in stark contrast to positive efficacy data in animals. We evaluated the correlation between animal and clinical efficacy outcomes (cognition) in Alzheimer's disease using data from registered drugs as well as interventions tested in phase II or III clinical trials for Alzheimer's disease.
机译:阿尔茨海默病的临床试验失败(> 99%)与动物中的积极疗效数据形成鲜明对比。 我们评估了使用来自注册药物的数据以及在Alzheimer疾病的II期或III型临床试验中测试的疾病中的动物和临床疗效结果(认知)之间的相关性和临床疗效结果(认知)。



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