首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Science and Pollution Research >Climate and environmental factors affecting the incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Isfahan, Iran

Climate and environmental factors affecting the incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Isfahan, Iran


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Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a vector-borne human disease caused by Leishmania, a parasite transmitted by sand flies. CL is endemic in the Isfahan Province, Iran. This study was designed to identify the climate and environmental factors associated with CL incidence in Isfahan Province. Data included incident cases of CL, climate, and environmental factors, which were collected across 23 districts of province from 2007 to 2015. Analyses were performed with generalized linear models (GLMs) to fit a function to the relationships between the response and predictors. We used negative binomial regression due to over-dispersed distribution of CL cases. The effects of all seven climate and environmental factors were found to be significant (all p ?
机译:皮肤LeishManiaisis(CL)是由Leishmania引起的载体传播的人类疾病,散壁蝇传播的寄生虫。 Cl是伊朗伊斯法罕的地方性。本研究旨在识别与伊斯法罕的CL发病有关的气候和环境因素。数据包括CL,气候和环境因素的事件案例,从2007年至2015年省上的23个地区收集。通过广义线性模型(GLM)进行分析,以适应响应和预测因子之间的关系的功能。由于CL案例的过分分布,我们使用负二项式回归。发现所有七种气候和环境因素的影响是重要的(所有p?<?0.01),该模型解释了Cl发病率偏差的40%。平均温度,相对湿度和疾病发病率的坡度之间存在阳性关系;然而,在最大风速,降雨,高度和植被覆盖与CL发病率之间的展示负关联。皮肤利什曼病继续是一个广泛的挑战,特别是在伊朗的西北部。在选择预防和控制CL的最适当的策略时,应考虑气候和环境因素。



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