首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Science and Pollution Research >Deposition, acute toxicity, and bioaccumulation of nickel in some freshwater organisms with best-fit functions modeling

Deposition, acute toxicity, and bioaccumulation of nickel in some freshwater organisms with best-fit functions modeling


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AbstractAlthough nickel (Ni) frequently enters into water, documents on speciation of the metal and its toxicity to freshwater organisms are scanty. Laboratory experiments, made in this study, with 1.0–5.0?mg/L of Ni revealed that Ni was not quickly removed from water. Application of cubic regression followed by classical optimization technique showed that maximum reduction time (T) of Ni in water ranged between 60 to 65?h. Ninety-six hours of LC50value of Ni to crustaceanDiaptomus forbesi, fishCyprinus carpio, and wormBranchiura sowerbyiwas respectively 5.43, 14.70, and 19.73?mg/L. Normalizing the lethal values and plotting them against time, it was observed thatC.carpiowas more sensitive thanD.forbesi, which was not reflected in the 96-h LC50values. However, sensitivity of these organisms to Ni was better explained by power regression equation (M?=?aNib), which exhibited that mortality (M) ofD.forbesiandB.sowerbyiincreased slowly between 24 to 72?h, increasing sharply at 96?h, while mortality ofC.carpioincreased steadily every 24 till 96?h. Experiment with 1.0?mg/L of Ni in outdoor vats showed that crustacean zooplankton and worms accumulated high concentration of Ni, while only gut and liver tissues of fishC.carpioaccumulated trace and moderately high concentration of Ni, respectively. It is assumed that toxicity of Ni to fish is mediated primarily through gill.]]>
机译: 50 Ni至甲壳类动物的值<重点型=“斜体”> Diaptomus forbesi ,Fish Cyprinus carpio ,和蠕虫<重点类型=“斜体”> Branchiura Sowerbyi 分别为5.43,14.70和19.73?mg / L.致正常化致命值并绘制它们的时间,观察到<重点类型=“斜体”> C 。<重点类型=“斜体”> Carpio 比<重点类型=“更敏感。斜体“> D 。<重点类型=”斜体“> forbesi ,其未反映在96-h lc 50 值中。然而,通过功率回归方程更好地解释这些生物对Ni的敏感性(m?=Δni<上标> b ),其表现出<重点类型=“斜体”> d 。<重点类型=“斜体”> forbesi 和<重点类型=“斜体”> b 。<重点类型=“斜体”> sowerbyi 在24到72之间增加缓慢?H,在96℃下急剧增加,而<重点类型=“斜体”> C 。<重点型=“斜体”> Carpio 每24直到96次稳定增加。在室外VALS的1.0毫克NI的实验表明,甲壳动物浮游生物和蠕虫累积了高浓度的Ni,而鱼类的肠道和肝脏组织<重点型=“斜体”> C 。<重点型= “斜体”> Carpio 累积痕量和中度高浓度的Ni。假设Ni对鱼类的毒性主要通过鳃介导。 ]]>



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