首页> 外文期刊>Earth and Planetary Science Letters: A Letter Journal Devoted to the Development in Time of the Earth and Planetary System >Effects of low-pressure igneous processes and subduction on Fe3+/Sigma Fe and redox state of mantle eclogites from Lace (Kaapvaal craton)

Effects of low-pressure igneous processes and subduction on Fe3+/Sigma Fe and redox state of mantle eclogites from Lace (Kaapvaal craton)

机译:低压滴注过程和俯冲对蕾丝纤维百叶草Fe3 + / Sigma Fe和氧化还原状态的影响(Kaapvaal Craton)

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Reconstructing the redox state of the mantle is critical in discussing the evolution of atmospheric composition through time. Kimberlite-borne mantle eclogite xenoliths, commonly interpreted as representing former oceanic crust, may record the chemical and physical state of Archaean and Proterozoic convecting mantle sources that generated their magmatic protoliths. However, their message is generally obscured by a range of primary (igneous differentiation) and secondary processes (seawater alteration, metamorphism, metasomatism). Here, we report the Fe3+/Sigma Fe ratio and delta O-18 in garnet from in a suite of well-characterised mantle eclogite and pyroxenite xenoliths hosted in the Lace kimberlite (Kaapvaal craton), which originated as ca. 3 Ga-old ocean floor.
机译:重建地幔的氧化还原状态对于通过时间讨论大气组合的演变至关重要。 Kimberlite-Borne Mantle Eclogite Xenoliths,通常被解释为代表前海底,可能会记录古代和前兆子的化学和物理状态,产生它们的岩浆促岩果实。 然而,它们的信息通常由一系列初级(火成区分)和二次过程(海水改变,变质,弥撒)掩盖。 在这里,我们在鞋带Kimberlite(Kaapvaal Craton)套装套件中,在符合CA的鞋带营销的套房套装套件中报告了Garnet中的Fe3 + / Sigma Fe比和Delta O-18。 3个Ga老海底。



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