首页> 外文期刊>Earth and Planetary Science Letters: A Letter Journal Devoted to the Development in Time of the Earth and Planetary System >Remarkably preserved tephra from the 3430 Ma Strelley Pool Formation, Western Australia: Implications for the interpretation of Precambrian microfossils

Remarkably preserved tephra from the 3430 Ma Strelley Pool Formation, Western Australia: Implications for the interpretation of Precambrian microfossils

机译:来自西澳大利亚西澳大利亚的3430 mA Strelley池地层的显着保存了Tephra:对Prembrian Microfossils解释的影响

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The similar to 3430 Ma Strelley Pool Formation (SPF), Pilbara, Western Australia contains some of the most diverse microfossil evidence for early life on Earth. Here we report an assemblage of tephra (scoria, tubular pumice, plus vesicular and non-vesicular volcanic glass shards) from two stratigraphic levels in the SPF, including morphotypes that closely resemble previously described microfossils from this unit and elsewhere.
机译:类似于3430 MA Screlley Pool Chordation(SPF),Pilbara,西澳大利亚州含有一些最多样化的MicroFossil证据,用于地球上的早期生命。 在这里,我们从SPF中的两个地层水平报告了Tephra(Scoria,管状散毛,加囊泡和非囊状火山玻璃碎片)的组合,包括Mor型号,其与此单位和其他地方非常相似的Microfossils。



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