首页> 外文期刊>Biochemical Engineering Journal >Increasing biogas production by thermal (70 °C) sludge pre-treatment prior to thermophilic anaerobic digestion

Increasing biogas production by thermal (70 °C) sludge pre-treatment prior to thermophilic anaerobic digestion


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The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of a low temperature pre-treatment (70°C) on the efficiency of thermophilic anaerobic digestion of primary and secondary waste sludge. Firstly, effect of sludge pre-treatment time (9, 24, 48 and 72 h) was evaluated by the increase in volatile dissolved solids (VDSs), volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and biogas production in thermophilic batch tests. Secondly, semi-continuous process performance was studied in a lab-scale reactor (5 L) working at 55 °C and 10 days solid retention time. The 70 °C pre-treatment showed an initial solubilization effect (increasing VDS by almost 10 times after 9h), followed by a progressive generation of VFA (from 0 to nearly 5gL~(-1) after 72 h). Biogas production increased up to 30% both in batch tests and in semi-continuous experiments. Our results suggest that a short period (9 h) low temperature pre-treatment should be enough to enhance methane production through thermophilic anaerobic digestion of sludge.
机译:这项工作的目的是研究低温预处理(70°C)对一级和二级废物污泥进行高温厌氧消化效率的影响。首先,通过嗜热间歇试验中挥发性溶解固体(VDSs),挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)和沼气产量的增加来评估污泥预处理时间(9、24、48和72 h)的影响。其次,在实验室规模的反应器(5 L)中,在55°C和10天的固体保留时间下研究了半连续过程的性能。 70°C预处理显示出最初的增溶效果(9小时后将VDS增加近10倍),随后逐渐生成VFA(72小时后从0到近5 gL〜(-1))。在分批测试和半连续实验中,沼气产量均增加了30%。我们的结果表明,短时间(9小时)的低温预处理应足以通过污泥的高温厌氧消化提高甲烷的产生。



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