首页> 外文期刊>Culture, medicine and psychiatry >Confronting a 'Big Huge Gaping Wound': Emotion and Anxiety in a Cultural Sensitivity Course for Psychiatry Residents

Confronting a 'Big Huge Gaping Wound': Emotion and Anxiety in a Cultural Sensitivity Course for Psychiatry Residents


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In his seminal volume From Anxiety to Method in the Behavioral Sciences, George Devereux suggests that any therapeutic or scientific engagement with another human being inevitably will be shaped by one's own expectations, assumptions, and reactions. If left unacknowledged, such unspoken and unconscious influences have the capacity to torpedo the interaction; if subjected to critical reflection, however, they can yield insights of great interpretive value and practical significance. Taking these reflections on counter-transference as point of departure, this article explores how a range of unacknowledged assumptions can torpedo good faith efforts to engender "cultural sensitivity" in a required course for American psychiatry residents. The course examined in this paper has been taught for seven successive years by a pair of attending psychiatrists at a longstanding New England residency training program. Despite the instructors' good intentions and ongoing experimentation with content and format, the course has failed repeatedly to meet either residents' expectations or, as the instructors bravely acknowledged, their own. The paper draws upon a year-long ethnographic study, conducted in the late 2000s during the most recent iteration of the course, which involved observation of course sessions, a series of interviews with course instructors, and pre- and post-course interviews with the majority of participating residents. By examining the dynamics of the course from the perspectives of both clinician-instructors and resident-students, the paper illuminates how classroom-based engagement with the clinical implications of culture and difference can run awry when the emotional potency of these issues is not adequately taken into account.
机译:乔治·德弗勒克斯(George Devereux)在其《行为科学中的焦虑到方法》的开创性著作中指出,与另一个人的任何治疗或科学互动都将不可避免地受到自己的期望,假设和反应的影响。如果不加以承认,这种潜意识和潜意识的影响就会破坏这种互动。但是,如果进行批判性反思,它们将产生具有重大解释价值和实际意义的见解。本文将这些关于反移徙的思考作为出发点,探讨了一系列未经认可的假设如何在美国精神科医师的必修课程中破坏真诚的努力,以引起“文化敏感性”。在长期的新英格兰居住培训项目中,一对与会的精神科医生连续七年对本文所研究的课程进行了讲授。尽管教师的意图良好,并且正在进行内容和格式的实验,但该课程屡屡未能满足居民的期望,或者正如教师勇敢地承认的那样,未能达到他们的期望。本文借鉴了一项为期一年的民族志研究,该研究是在2000年代末课程的最新迭代中进行的,其中涉及对课程的观察,对课程讲师的一系列访谈以及对课程进行的前后访谈。大多数参与的居民。通过从临床医师和住院医师的角度研究课程的动态,本文阐明了在没有充分利用这些问题的情感效力的情况下,基于课堂的参与文化和差异的临床意义如何错位考虑在内。



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